
Echo House / KLC


(English below)

〈Echo House〉は、中国北京市郊外、60年代北京の紡績時代を支えたレンガ造倉庫を改修したヴィーガンレストランの計画である。



さまざまな要因で工事が遅延したが、施主や施工会社の粘り強い努力、またいくつかのデジタルコミュニケーションツールを活かし常に状況を確認することで無事工事を終えオープンを迎えることができた。(神山 義浩)

A vegan restaurant renovated from a brick warehouse with the theme of coexistence

The Echo House is a Vegan Cooking Research lab + Gallery, workshop space, from which a red brick warehouse has been renovated in the Beijing spinning area in the 1960s.
Since the clients have a strong intention of connecting the space with ecological environment, the design specially emphasized the relationship between the space indoor and outdoor.

To pursue the concept of “Coexist”, the geometry, design detail and materials chosen are mainly designed under 8 design principles to fulfill the client’s requirements. All of these principles have multiple perspectives, and the completed space and details encourage visitors to interact with them in various ways.

• Approach from outside can be visually recognized and should be three dimensional.
• Visitors can see the outside environment from the inside
• Turning a low-density and elongated circulation to a space.
• Designing a continuous three-dimensional space without partitions or doors, and deciding the purpose of each place in relation to the outside.
• Passive Design comes first in the building environment consideration, mechanical add-up becomes optional.
• A Hybrid Structure system is not only to emphasize the mechanical tension ,but also to express the flow of force.
• The building material shall be convenient to get for the local construction technology and should
be able to connect the past time to the future.
• Artefact shall be created across a meaning of both the product’s and architectural design.

The design and construction supervision is accomplished fully online. As a result of the corona pandemic, the regular site visits from Tokyo are all cancelled. No site confirmation can be made before and after the completion of the building.
Even though there are multiple elements that postpone the construction, thanks to the clients’ efforts and all digital communication technology, the construction ends up smoothly and now is already open for business. (Yoshihiro Kamiyama)

【Echo House】

所在地:北京市朝陽区半載塔路53 郎園StationA1-8C

担当:神山 義浩、Colin.L、Lauren.L
構造設計:A+A workshop
施工:A+A workshop

撮影:Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)



Location: A1-8C, Lang Yuan Station, No. 53, Ban Jie Ta Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Principal use: Cafe, Gallery
Client: Free echo (Beijing) Culture Communication
Completion: 2020

Architects: KLC
Design team: Yoshihiro Kamiyama, Colin.L, Lauren.L
Structure engineer: A+A workshop
Contractor: A+A workshop

Photographs: Yuming Song (Beijing Ruijing Photography)

Construction type: Conversion
Main structure: Wood, Mixed structure
Building scale: 2 Stories
Site area: 146.60m²
Building area: 133.20m²
Total floor area: 257.10m²
Design term: 2019.07-2019.12
Construction term: 2019.10-2020.10

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