
Jean Moulin Atelier-House / Atelier NEA


(English below)

〈Jean Moulin Atelier-House〉は、パリにある3階建て、80m²のアトリエを改装したものである。このアーティストスタジオは1940年代後半、人目につかない路地裏に建てられた。

〈Jean Moulin Atelier-House〉は、夫がアメリカ・オレゴン州出身のアーティストと映画関係の仕事をしている夫婦のための家として構想された。パリに10年近く住んでいる彼らは、私たちに彼らの個性と生き方を反映した親密な空間、家事と芸術制作活動が一体となる場所の制作を依頼した。施主夫婦が所有するすべての物や芸術品を考慮に入れながら、施主との美しいコラボレーションの結果として生まれたのである。





Atelier renovation reborn by adjusting layout, scale and materials

〈Jean Moulin Atelier-House〉 is a refurbishment of a 80m² three floor artist atelier located in Paris. The artist studio was built in the late 40’s in a hidden alleyway.
Few original features were the main qualities of this space; a very large steel window fixture overlooking a private terrace, an old maple tree, a double-height space filled with natural light and a skylight.
〈Atelier Jean Moulin〉was conceived as a house for a couple, an artist from Oregon, USA and her husband working in the movie industry. Having lived in Paris for nearly a decade, they commissioned Atelier NEA to create an intimate space that reflects their personality and way of life – a place where domesticity and the make of art comes together. Jean Moulin Atelier – House is the result of a beautiful collaboration with the owners while taking in consideration every single object and piece of art they owned.
The main conceptual approach focused on adaptability and functionality which included almost two dozens of custom-made sycamore maple and steel built-in units. The project preserved the studio original typology while enhancing the layout by a total revolution of the two staircases’ positions. They have been moved from the back of the house to the up front, towards the mezzanine double – height space creating a permanent dialogue with the outdoors.
Private and shared needs are separated yet they remain both flexible and adaptable. The open plan ground floor where the kitchen is located supports living without internal hierarchy. It can be used for multiple uses – as an artist studio area or as a living room.

As the residents climb up the house, the floors become more private. The two upper floors accommodate two nooks, a bathroom, a laundry space, a walk-in closet and a study area. The scale varies throughout the house. On The mezzanine floor the nook enjoys a lower ceiling for more privacy and a closer relation to the human body. This nook, combined with a walk-in closet, is dedicated to sleep and relaxation. It can be enclosed by three extra-large sliding doors made of solid sycamore wood and natural jute. An additional nook for guests is located on the upper floor. Both nooks are the only areas that can be considered private, distancing from the conventional room in a house.
All jute sliding doors are custom made. They work as visual screens yet they allow penetration of natural light and ventilation throughout the floors. All areas in the house, including the bathroom and the walk-in closet overlook the outdoors. The porous materials; jute for the doors and perforated steel sheet in the walk-in closet protect privacy while maintaining the relation with the outside. A large interior window that overlooks the entire house was created on the second floor to gain additional natural light.
The refurbishment project adopted sycamore maple wood as its principal material combined with steel, woven jute, concrete and marble. Atelier NEA designed the built-ins in a way to reduce to minimum the need of extra furniture in this very compact atelier-house.
The house becomes personified by the owners thanks to the minimal intervention translated into the open plan layout and the selection of raw, natural and light materials. (Nathalie Eldan)

【Jean Moulin Atelier-House】


設計:Atelier NEA
構造設計:VIMEN structure bois & Acier
鉄骨工事:Da Ponte & Silva + SDH
木工事:Aleksandr Krasnodemsky



【Jean Moulin Atelier-House】

Location: Paris, France
Principal use: Residential
Client: Individual
Completion: 2020

Architects: Atelier NEA
Design team: Nathalie Eldan
Structure engineer: VIMEN structure bois & Acier
Steel work: Da Ponte & Silva + SDH
Carpenter: Aleksandr Krasnodemsky
Contractor: Bultec

Photographs: Lorenzo Zandri

Construction type: Renovation
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 3 stories
Total floor area: 80.00 m²
Design term: 2019.09-2019.12
Construction term: 2019.12-2020.09

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