
Hamee Park / シオ建築設計事務所


(English below)


この計画は、オフィスの1階エントランスホールと2階執務エリアの改修である。エントランスのある1階は「Harbor Park」というコンセプトであった。スタッフがweb会議のために会議室を長時間使用することで、慢性的な会議室不足に陥っていた。これらを解消するため、1階は会議だけでなく、待ち時間にも仕事ができ、家具配置を変えることでイベントなどを行うこともできる場所とし、さらにHameeが港町・小田原の会社であることをアピールするような、お出迎え感のあるデザインとした。

大きな吹き抜けのある2階は、「Urban Park」と名付けられていた。固定席を減らしフリーアドレスとする、ゆとりを取る、web会議エリアをつくる、Hameeをアピールできる場所にすることが目的であった。我々は、吹き抜けに人が集う憩いの場、ゲストがあっと驚く場所にするために大きな木を入れた。


また、パンデミックでweb会議が頻繁に行われるようになったが、その際、周りの目線や自分の声、そして自分の背景が気になる。それらを解消するため、我々は1枚の布のような「Wrap Screen」を考えた。1枚900mmのScreenをつないでいくことで、どこまでも長くすることができる。


パンデミックのなかで先を見据えた本計画は、新しいオフィスとの関わり方を模索しながら進められた。リモートワークを取り入れる会社が増えるなかで、オフィスが存在する意味を考える計画であった。(子浦 中)

An office that reconsidered the work style and significance of existence

Our work style had been that of heading to the office every morning and working in an office with a row of desks. However, the pandemic has changed our lives and our work style. After the pandemic, the office became a lonely place with only a few desks, chairs, and PCs in a cramped space.
However, Hamee is a company that believes in the importance of face-to-face exchanges of ideas, so the company felt the need to create an office that would make people want to come to the office and actively exchange ideas with an awareness of the post-pandemic situation.

This project involved the renovation of the first-floor entrance hall and the second-floor office area. The first floor, where the entrance is located, was designed as a “Harbor Park” concept. There was a chronic shortage of meeting rooms due to staff spending long hours in the conference room for web conferencing. To solve this problem, the first floor was designed not only for meetings but also as a place where people can work while waiting and where events can be held by rearranging the furniture.

The second floor, with a large atrium, was named “Urban Park.” The purpose of this area was to reduce the number of fixed seats, to make it free addressable, to create more space, to create a web conferencing area, and to make it a place where Hamee could show off its products. We added a large tree in the atrium to create a place for people to gather and relax and a place that would surprise guests.

Everyone looks up under the big tree, and people gather at the big bench and kitchen, an extension of the stairs under the tree. Communication naturally occurs there. Desks and benches, like playground equipment, have also been installed. These are also mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of opinions.

In addition, web conferencing has become more frequent due to the pandemic, and people are concerned about their surroundings, voices, and backgrounds. To solve these problems, we came up with the idea of a “Wrap Screen,” which is like a piece of cloth that can be made as long as you like by connecting 900mm screens.

Wrap yourself in a circle to create a web conferencing booth, and by connecting several screens, you can use it for multiple people. It could also be used as a concentration booth or a simple meeting space, helping to alleviate the shortage of meeting rooms.

Looking ahead in the midst of the pandemic, this plan was developed while exploring new ways to interact with the office. As more and more companies are adopting remote work, this plan was a reflection on the meaning of the existence of the office. (Ataru Shio)

【Hamee Park】


担当:子浦 中、川鍋哲平

撮影:淺川 敏


【Hamee Park】

Location: Odawara-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Principal use: Office, Office interior
Completion: 2021

Architects: Shio Architect Design Office
Design team: Ataru Shio, Teppei Kawanabe
Lighting design: Sugio Lighting Design Office
Furniture: Cassina ixc.
Planting: solso
Contractor: Sasong

Photographs: Satoshi Asakawa

Construction type: Renovation
Building scale: 2 stories
Total floor area: 837.99m²
Design term: 2020.10-2021.03
Construction term: 2021.04-2021.05

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