
Pizza 4P’s Phan Ke Binh / Takashi Niwa Architects





In a pizza restaurant, you can sit around the pizza oven and enjoy the cooking time with your family

It is a Vietnamese culture to connect deeply with family and friends through gathering and sharing. Family and friends always come together to share their happiness and stories over meals. Similarly, Pizza 4P’s adopts the motto of “Delivering Wow, Sharing Happiness”. As such, the challenge of this project is to combine both local culture and restaurant motto to create an appropriate dining atmosphere.

Located at the center of Hanoi, the site features beautiful street plants with sufficient space for an open-space garden. Taking the site condition, local culture, and the restaurant’s motto into consideration, a restaurant with the concept of gathering in a garden was designed to provide a meaningful and pleasant dining space in Hanoi.

The entrance features an oval courtyard to maximize the landscape view for the customers, giving them a pleasant experience upon approaching the open pizza kitchen. The restaurant layout is centered around the open kitchen with signature pizza ovens, acting as the main anchor.

A special garden experience is achieved by the ellipse fire brick wall which surrounds the dining space and garden. Customers are able to enjoy the chef’s cooking presentation while watching the surge of flame in the ovens from the garden and dining space.

Additionally, the large void with curved staircase offers a unique view to the open kitchen. The curved wall also presents an opportunity for informal meetings among customers. There are large sliding doors at the garden to separate private space for special celebration and events. This layout gives the restaurant the flexibility to arrange the events surrounding the pizza-making space.

The scenery within the restaurant is precious as it provides a different experience during daytime and night. The space throughout the restaurant is designed for the customers to enjoy their gathering whilst sharing happiness together. (Takashi Niwa)

【Pizza 4P’s Phan Ke Binh】

クライアント:Pizza 4P’s

設計:Takashi Niwa Architects
担当:丹羽隆志、Đỗ Hữu Tâm、藤坂美佳、Dicky Huang
構造設計:Công ty Cổ phần xây dựng SMT Việt Nam

撮影:Hoàng Lê, Đỗ Hữu Tâm


【Pizza 4P’s Phan Ke Binh】

Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Principal use: Restaurant
Client: Pizza 4P’s
Completion: 2018

Architects: Takashi Niwa Architects
Design team: Takashi Niwa, Đỗ Hữu Tâm, Mika Fujisaka, Dicky Huang
Structure engineer: Công ty Cổ phần xây dựng SMT Việt Nam
Constructor: Tropikon

Photographs: Hoàng Lê, Đỗ Hữu Tâm

Construction type: Renovation
Main structure: Steel
Building scale: 3 stories
Site area: 712m²
Building area: 331m²
Total floor area: 712m²
Design term: 2017.05-2017.12
Construction term: 2017.08-2018.03

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