
はつせ三田 / ihrmk


時間に対する柔軟さ(家族構成の変化に応じて建物内を移り住んでいける)を、専有部 / 共有部間を閉じるでも開くでもなく破線状のエッジとすることで身体に対する適度な距離感(今までの住まいと同じ感覚でそれぞれの気配を感じられる)を、それぞれ併せもつ「大きな家」である。



A large house-like apartment where residents and owners spend their time in their own way

An owner-occupied rental apartment building typically has its owner’s penthouse above the rental units.〈Hatsuse Mita〉is also an owner-occupied property with several rental units, but its spatial organization is much different. The owner’s family was forced to move out of their former residence due to the area’s redevelopment project. They needed a new home that can adapt to changes in their family structure and society. So instead of a residence for the whole family to live together, we proposed a plan in which every unit has a unique floorplan and can be offered as a rental unit or treated as an “individual room” of the family’s residence. In this non-hierarchical plan, the family can move from one unit to another, depending on the type of space they need at the time of transition in the future. Private and communal spaces are neither closed off nor open to each other but organized as edge pieces of a broken line. Hatsuse Mita is a “big house” in the sense that occupants can maintain the same privacy and intimacy level that the family enjoyed in their former home.

The site is situated amongst large-scale residential buildings along a major road and an area of low-rise wooden houses. Considering the high contrast of texture and sizes between these two areas, we gauged an intermediate structural scale: a frame built with 310mm square columns placed 1350mm apart. Set in the center of this simple structure, an open “Meguri-doma” connects all levels. “Open terraces,” “Inner terraces,” and “Living spaces” are placed around it in various patterns to mix inside and outside throughout the structure. We intended to add an airy feel to this layered net-like architecture.

“Meguri-doma (a covered stairwell / common corridor)” is designed to hold sunlight and allow the breeze to flow through the inner terraces and living spaces. By doing so, the stairwell becomes a fluid space that has both indoor and outdoor atmospheres. There is a bench in every landing area, which suggests alternative use of the space as a second living room or a study space. The communal terrace is equipped with an outdoor kitchen. Thirteen apartment units in various shapes and shared spaces form a multi-faceted volume, allowing residents to find a suitable space in the building for what they need at a particular moment. (Masaki Ihara, Kayo Ihara)

【Hatsuse Mita】


設備設計:yamada machinery office


規模:地上7階 地下1階

【Hatsuse Mita】

Location: 5-10-2, Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Principal use: Housing complex
Client: Atago Hasegawa
Completion: 2019

Architects: ihrmk
Design team: Masaki Ihara, Kayo Ihara, Kojiro Ono
Structure engineer: ASA
Environmental design: yamada machinery office
Furniture: Suzugen
Landacape: en Landscape
Contractor: Shin

Photographs: Taisuke Inatsugu

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Reinforced Concrete construction
Building scale: 7 stories and 1 below
Site area: 213.07m²
Building area: 143.07m²
Total floor area: 852.27m²
Design term: 2016.04-2018.05
Construction term: 2018.06-2019.12

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