©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
〈Apple Brompton Road〉は、イギリス・ロンドンに2022年7月にオープンしたAppleストアです。歴史的なアーケードのアーチ状のファサードに呼応した大開口と木製天井が特徴的な店舗となっています。
ノーマン・フォスター(Norman Foster)率いるイギリスの建築設計事務所フォスター アンド パートナーズ(Foster+Partners)が設計しました。
©︎ Apple
©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
Appleとフォスター アンド パートナーズのコラボレーションによる〈Apple Brompton Road〉がオープンした。
©︎ Apple
©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
フォスター アンド パートナーズのシニアエグゼクティブパートナーであるステファン・ベーリン(Stefan Behling)は次のように語る。
「〈Apple Brompton Road〉は、にぎやかで活気のあるロンドンの一角における、落ち着いたオアシスのような空間である。お客様は、歴史的な要素と自然の要素を取り入れたユニークな空間で、Appleの素晴らしい製品と触れ合い、Appleのパーソナルなカスタマーサービスを体験することができる。」
©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
Apple Brompton Roadは、歩道に面し、正方形の平面形状と高さ7mのボリュームをもった店舗である。起伏のある木製の天井が特徴で、床から天井まで続く幅4mのアーチ型の窓が店内の8本のフィカスの木を縁取っている。この木は、ブロンプトン通りから入ってすぐにある、ロンドンの有名なハイドパークをイメージしている。
©︎ Apple
©︎ Apple
©︎ Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
〈Apple Brompton Road〉の床に用いたテラゾーは、植物由来のバイオポリマーで作成されており、これはAppleが世界中に展開する店舗で初めての試みである。また、すべてのAppleの施設と同様、〈Apple Brompton Road〉の電力は100%再生可能エネルギーで供給されている。
©︎ Apple
©︎ Apple
©︎ Apple
29 July 2022
London’s Apple Brompton Road store opens to the publicApple Brompton Road, another close collaboration between Apple and Foster + Partners, is now open. The new Knightsbridge store is situated between high-end department stores Harrods and Harvey Nichols. It is flooded with natural light from floor-to-ceiling arched windows.
Stefan Behling, Senior Executive Partner, Foster + Partners, said: “Apple Brompton Road is a calm oasis in a bustling and vibrant part of London. Customers interact with Apple’s incredible range of products and experience their personalised customer service in a unique setting which incorporates historic and natural elements.”
Apple Brompton Road consists of a single floor, square footprint. The seven-meter-tall volume features an undulating, timber ceiling and has four-meter-wide floor-to-ceiling arched windows that frame eight graceful Ficus trees. The trees reference London’s famous Hyde Park, which is only just a few steps away from Brompton Road. The tree-lined seating at the base of each planter becomes a visual feature as well as a social gathering space or resting area for visitors, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside while bringing nature directly into the building. The natural light becomes dappled in appearance as it is filtered through the leaves and dances on the store’s interior surfaces.
The store’s curved timber ceiling reflects the existing geometry of the building’s historic façade. The ceiling’s integrated fixtures merge seamlessly with the timber panels, having been designed to match their colour and finish. A warm palette of materials has been carefully selected to create a calming and coherent environment for visitors and staff. Stone, wood, and terrazzo complement the building’s exterior façade of bath stone and red brick.
People enter the store through the central arcade, mirroring the dimensions of the original Brompton Arcade, which was built in this precise location in 1903. This central spine is defined by Castagna stone columns and four Ficus trees that also have seating at their bases. At the end of the tree lined arcade sits the Forum – another focal point of the design which acts as a separate learning and event space – with a large video wall. The screen appears to float effortlessly on the surface with the audio equipment discreetly integrated into the stone walls. The Forum’s volumes are amplified by a mirrored ceiling which is made from a specialised stretched fabric, generating an uninterrupted reflective plane. A designated Apple Pickup area, for collecting online orders, is positioned adjacent to the Avenue area on the left.
Apple Brompton Road’s terrazzo flooring is comprised of a plant-based bio polymers, the first of its kind in Apple’s worldwide retail fleet. Like all Apple facilities, Apple Brompton Road is powered by 100 percent renewable energy.
「Apple Brompton Road」Foster+Partners 公式サイト