

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

中国・上海のアート地区に位置する〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉は、かつてアトリエとしても使用されていた給水塔を改修した建物です。古い建物から切り離して設計された新たな要素が新旧の対比を強調します。それと同時に、既存のままに残された壁というキャンバスに描かれたグラフィックアートや、空間の転換点に置かれたアートが訪問者をより奥へ進むよう誘い、新旧またがる空間をつなぎます。

FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)による、海外の建築業界で近年注目を集める、歴史的な建築物を保存するだけでなく現代に適合させ活用する「アダプティブリユース」という考え方を取り入れた建築です。

(以下、FLIP studioから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

Concept Diagram

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian


〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー〉は、上海のM50クリエイティブ・パークの北西角に位置し、ヘザウィック・スタジオの〈1000 Trees〉に隣接している。


〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

Model Photo © FLIP studio

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

Model Photo © FLIP studio





〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian




〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)



〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

一方、長方形のホールには壁の2/3の高さのホワイトボックスが挿入され、既存の質感が天井にだけ露出し、〈1000 Trees〉に面している。ホワイトボックスでは新しいものと古いものが並置された関係性となっており、特にホワイトボックスが古い壁が交わる出入り口のディテールで増幅されている。


〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian




〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian



〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Bird Gallery

© Bird Gallery

階段を上ると、アメリカ人アーティスト、RJ・トリポディ(RJ Tripodi)によるステンレス・スチールのインスタレーションがプラットフォームに置かれている。ダイナミックなバランスのフォルムと自然な錆が、この場所の工業的な質感と呼応し、循環性のもう1つのターニングポイントを形成している。

来場者はここで立ち止まり、〈1000 Trees〉の景観を見渡した後、振り返って屋上から片持ちになった鉄骨階段を上り続けることができる。

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian



〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー(M50 Bird Water Tower)〉FLIPスタジオ(FLIP studio)

© Fangfang Tian

以下、FLIP studioのリリース(英文)です。

M50 Bird Water Tower
– Lost in Time and Space: A Reconstruction of the Ruins / FLIP studio

The Bird Water Tower is located in the northwest corner of M50 Creative Park in Shanghai, backed by Heatherwick’s 1000 Trees Phase II. The water tower has an industrial history of half a century, once the studio of artist and curator Bing Su, and was later abandoned for several years. The renovation of the water tower aims to reconstruct a series of spatial experiences in the ruins that can allow people to shuttle between the old and new time and place, and immerse themselves in contemporary art.

Discover and Reconstruct

The Renovation is a process of re-understanding and excavation, as well as a creative process of reconstruction. The condition of the site was very chaotic: almost none of the ground was at the same level. The interior space was dark and damp, large areas of wall were peeling.

The water tower is like a mystery. In order to understand the mystery, we need to find a logic behind to reconstruct and establish an order in the ruins. The breakthrough point is the circulation. Starting from the outdoor space, a series of platforms, bridges and stairs were inserted in appropriate positions to form a circulation to the water tower.

At the same time, details such as the specially designed black rusted steel handrails and balustrades, produced a strong sense of enclosure, effectively establish a sign of “the new”, separated from the old building, when visitor shuttle between the old and new, indoor and outdoor.

“The Black Box” and “The White Box”

There are two indoor spaces under the water tower: one is square, the other is rectangle, separated by a narrow outdoor terrace. After renovation, the square space will be used as a cafe open to the public, and the rectangle space will be a multi-functional hall that can be freely switched into reception, exhibition or collectors’ dining, linking with the renovated roof terrace. The design treated the two spaces in a completely different manner: in the square hall, the wet gypsum wall was removed to expose the rough dark gray cement bare wall, while retaining the traces left after the demolition of the interior partition. Then the coffee bar and benches made of black painted OSB and brushed stainless steel were inserted to form a “black box” at the entrance. The old walls recalling the old industrial era, lit by pink neon lights, reveal a dim and ambiguous atmosphere.

On the other hand, in the rectangular hall, a two-thirds wall high white box was inserted, exposing only the original texture of the ceiling and facing to the 1000 Trees Phase II. In “the white box”, the juxtaposition of the new and the old is amplified, especially in the details of the new doorway, where the white box is nested in the old wall: the white new wall, the cut brick wall, and the old terrazzo cladding are directly exposed to the viewer in a way similar to Gordon Clark’s “architectural anatomy”. “The black box” and “the white box”, one talking to the past, and the other facing the contemporary and future, together as anchor points in the spatial sequence build a dialectic relationship.

Sublimating in Art

In the process of spatial reconstruction, in addition to the relationship between the old and the new, the curating of art is another important clue. Art is actually integrated into the overall visiting path of the water tower, covering various media art forms, including graffiti, installation, painting and video. The introduction of art is usually placed at the key turning point of the circulation space, so that visitors can be guided by art, step by step, gradually access to the water tower.

The staircase to the water tower starts from the narrow terrace between the black and the white box. The old wall along is the area with the richest texture. The mottled warm yellow cement and the color washed terrazzo texture left by the industrial era provides a perfect background for graffiti artists. Therefore, the design specially reserved this old wall untouched for artist’s creation, which also led to the dramatic live graffiti performance by French graffiti artist Dezio before the opening of the water tower. The flowing brushes and oil paints superimpose a new layer of cultural meaning on the old wall, while guiding the visitor to keep exploring all the way up.

As visitors walk up the stairs, they will find a stainless steel installation by American artist RJ Tripodi on the platform. Its dynamically balanced form and natural rust echoes the industrial texture of the site to form another turning point in the circulation. Visitors can stop here to overlook the landscape of 1000 Trees Phase II, then turn around and continue to walk up the steel staircase cantilevered from the rooftop.

Upon reaching the roof terrace, a floating polished metal plate were inserted at the bottom of the water tower so that in the future, digital media art works can be projected on it according to the exhibitions and events.

When the night falls, the water tower, illuminated by vibrant neon lights and dynamic projections, looks like a lighthouse from another time and space, or a rising aircraft, becoming a unique landmark in the quiet M50 park.

Project Information
Project Name: M50 Bird Water Tower
Project Location: M50 Creative Park, Shanghai, China
Client: Bird Gallery
Design Firm: FLIP studio
Lead Designer: Kailun Sun
Design Team: Zixuan Chen
Photo: Fangfang Tian
Structural consulting: Xiaotian Yang
Art: Dezio (Graffiti), RJ Tripodi (Installation), Nyu Jin (Sculpture), Liang Cheng (Painting)
Area: 230m²
Design Period: 2023.02-2023.05
Completion: 2023.08

「M50 Bird Water Tower」FLIP studio 公式サイト


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  • 給水塔に配された黒と白の要素が古いものを際立たせ、新旧またがる空間をアートがつなぐ〈M50バード・ウォーター・タワー〉FLIPスタジオ、中国