© Dinesh Mehta
インド北西部、グジャラート州の港湾都市スラトに建つ〈150 Steps upto the Sea〉は、4世代にわたる大家族がともに暮らす、アラビア湾を望む住宅です。
グジャラートを拠点に活動するMatharoo Associatesが設計しました。
- 古くから伝わるジャイナ教の伝統を受け継ぐ家族の住まい
- 4世代の大家族のつながりとプライバシーの両立
- 住宅の根幹を支える象徴的存在「祖母の部屋」
- 地中の井戸から最上階へと続く階段が導く、自己を再発見する「空間的な旅」
(以下、Matharoo Associatesから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
© Dinesh Mehta
© Dinesh Mehta
© Dinesh Mehta
© Dinesh Mehta
さらに、プログラムで前提条件とされた「ヴァーストゥ・シャーストラ(Vaastu Shastra:空間の形状や配置、水場、中庭、便所の向きや色の選択にいたるまでを規定する、厳格な古代インドの建築ガイドライン」によると、住居の向きを決定する土地や区画の中心点であるブラフマスタン(Brahmasthan)は通常、空に向かって開かれた中庭であり、その中庭を中心にプログラムが構成される。
© Dinesh Mehta
© Dinesh Mehta
〈150 Steps upto the Sea〉は、インドに古くから伝わるジャイナ教の伝統を受け継ぎ、現代的な志向をもつ多世代の大家族のための住宅である。
「ヴァーストゥ・シャーストラ(Vaastu Shastra:古代インドの厳格な建築ガイドライン)」によると、住居の向きを決定する土地や区画の中心点であるブラフマスタン(Brahmasthan)は通常、空に向かって開かれた中庭であり、その中庭を中心にプログラムが構成されるとされている。
© Dinesh Mehta
© Dinesh Mehta
© Edmund Sumner
© Edmund Sumner
© Edmund Sumner
© Edmund Sumner
© Edmund Sumner
Context Plan
Site Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
以下、Matharoo Associatesのリリース(英文)です。
Up to the Sea
Blessed are the lands found with a memory of what existed before. Here was one, where once stood an old Haveli (1), and now of which remained nothing. The new would rise from the imaginary plinths of the old, its forgotten walls strewn around and making a place for lives to play out on. Thus, the landscape found its roots.
A multigenerational joint family with modern aspirations following Jain (2) traditions, the brief was a complex one to start with. Moreover, as per the Vaastu Shastra (3), a given in the program, the Brahmasthan, (4) is typically an open to sky courtyard the forms the core around which the program is laid out.
Four generations spread across 80 odd years, each with their own set of demands, have their private domains while remaining connected. The visiting daughter’s family suite occupies the less used second floor. In the middle floor the son, his wife and their little daughter are tucked in one carefree corner while their parents’, the master couple suite occupies the other corner. Their suite generously opens into the house on one side and nature on the other, keeping a discreet command as the guardian!
The common family areas claim the ground, the pool side living and leisure, the garden side dining, the entrance paraphernalia, and the massive Indian kitchen from where the entire house is managed, its running, the staff, each member of the family and the food, always cooked fresh! Only a door comes in between the kitchen and the dining. It’s the open door to the indispensable grandmother’s room, her large bed; her extended warm lap, where everyone, babies, young and old, are cuddled into. The home too, is anchored!
Nested close to the vast Arabian Sea and the Clients choosing a plot so far away from the city, it was imperative that the sea view from the terrace becomes a priority. The house needed to rise another floor to achieve it. That this view should come as a surprise made the additional floor a comparatively closed one, it’s dead-wall home-theatre, nailing it perfectly.
Stumbling upon an abandoned freshwater well below the overgrown trees, a rare find so close to the salty sea, which could only be fetched from under. Not wanting to tamper with their twisted roots, the plot is set. This challenge offered the beginning of a spatial journey, the one from the well two floors deep into the ground, to the sea view six floors above. Winding between the two waters, with only the sun reflecting all the way through, for they existed even before our memories.
Bathing in its glow, devoid of anything else, the steps hold the centre stage; the renouncement, the shedding off and the baring of essentials. It is in this continuum of nothing without ends that she must find herself.
1. a mansion.
2. Ancient religion from India that teaches that the way of liberation and bliss is to live a life of harmlessness and renunciation
3. The strict ancient Indian building guidelines that govern the shape and placement of spaces, water bodies, and courts, and down to the orientation of water closets and choice of colours.
4. The central point of any property or plot which determines a dwelling or house directions.Location: Surat, Gujarat, India
Program: Private Residence
Site area: 5780sq.m
Building area (footprint area): 380sq.m
Total floor area: 1280sq.mYear of completion: 2021
Client: Kavita and Tushar Choksi
Architectural firm: Matharoo Associates, Ahmedabad
Principal(s) in charge: Gurjit Singh Matharoo
Project team: Krishna Mistry (Project Architect), Daksh Sharma (trainee), Vinita Mhatre (Trainee), Vishal Parik (Site Architect)Interior designer(s): Matharoo Associates, Ahmedabad
Landscape architect(s): Vagish Naganur, Bangalore
Structural engineer(s): Rushabh Consultants, Ahmedabad
HVAC- Pankaj Dharkar Associates, Ahmedabad
Electrical- JIT Engineering Services Consultant, Ahmedabad
Plumbing– Bharat Chauhan Plumbing Consultants, AhmedabadGeneral contractor: RIVA Constructions & Consultancy, Surat
Carpentry work: Hiralal Mistry, Ahmedabad
Furniture: Vago Forniture, Milan
Kitchen: Nolte. Maruti Hardware, Surat
HVAC: Daikin. Cooline, Surat
Toilet Fitting, Fixtures and Sanitaryware: Artize – Jaquar India, Ahmedabad
Lights: ALW. Associated Lighting system, Mumbai
Windows: Vitrum, Rajkot
Railing and Glass Work: Mufaddal Glass Creation, Surat
Curtains: Dercora, SuratStructural system: Stone walls, RCC Columns &Walls, RCC Slabs
Major materials: Stone Masonry, Fair Finished Concrete, Kuddapah Flooring, Burma Teak Wood Doors
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