Awarded the Prize of AIJ for Design, 2020

Interview with Kumiko Inui

2020年日本建築学会賞 受賞インタビュー #03


Interview with Kumiko Inui

2020年日本建築学会賞 受賞インタビュー #01

Interview with Kumiko Inui

2020年日本建築学会賞 受賞インタビュー #02






Architecture can absorb surprisingly much of anything

── You have previously published a book called “Kenchiku wo Sotto Oite Miruto (Let’s Put Architecture Gently)” (LIXIL Publishing, 2008), and I think you have also created a soft vessel for the Nobeoka project. Has this attitude been cherished for a long time?

Inui: I’m the kind of person who doesn’t have the first idea of what to make.
I can understand that “this is about the outline,” but there’s no concrete shape or space that comes out of it.
I think I am the type of person who listens to a lot of things and keeps thinking, “This is what I want to do,” or “What’s the best balance?

In Nobeoka, many people are talking about various things in terms of town planning, so I was surprised at how many people were saying, “Oh, that’s right. Do I have to listen to all of this? I’m not sure what to do with it.

However, architecture is rather generous, and there are many things that can be physically absorbed. You have to do a little bit of puzzle-solving, though.
However, I like to think of it as solving such puzzles. I think that’s what I’m doing all the time.

乾事務所初の大型作品集『Inui Architects—乾久美子建築設計事務所の仕事』(LIXIL出版、2019)では、25000字におよぶ論考「小さな風景と建築」も収録 | Inui Architects - The Work of Kumiko Inui Architects (LIXIL Publishing, 2019), Inui's first large-sized collection of work, includes a 25,000-word essay entitled "Small Landscapes and Architecture" Provided by Inui Architects






── Also, when you did the exhibition “Learning from Small Scenes” at the TOTO Gallery MA, I was impressed by the thoroughness of your research. Does this objective look live up to Nobeoka’s plan?

Inui: I think it’s going pretty well. For the exhibition, I did a lot of research to find out what kind of place people should feel at ease in, from the past, the present and the future, and what type of space people fundamentally seek, beyond the good and bad judged by fashion and mode.
By doing so, I somehow understood that “everyone would feel good if we created a place like this,” and that kind of thing is alive and well in this design.

The other thing is that Nobeoka is a regional city that was built after the war after an air raid, so the design of the city was filled with postwar items. That kind of thing isn’t really recognized as an element of design right now.
If it were a city with a series of tile roofs, people would say, “That’s nice,” but it’s an industrial city full of flat roofs.

However, on the surface, I wouldn’t say it’s beautiful, but there’s nothing wrong with the gap between the neighboring buildings and the somewhat chilled out atmosphere. When you actually go there, there is something refreshing about it.

I think the staff in charge and I reacted quite a bit to those things. I’ve been thinking about how to make buildings that are unique to this region feel good.
We were able to notice these things through research at the exhibition, and I’m sure there were areas where our sensitivity was raised.

「小さな風景からの学び」で観察し収集した風景の例 | Examples of landscapes observed and collected in "Learning from small landscapes" Provided by Inui Architects


──普段の設計では、プロジェクトごとにチームで進められていますか? どのようなスタッフを求めておられますか?




どういう人材を望むかというと、失敗しても何か大丈夫! と思えるような度胸のある人(笑)。実際、失敗しても何とかなるじゃないですか。

The courage to be able to manage

── Do you work as a team on each project in your regular design? What kind of staff are you looking for?

Inui: Right now, there are many staff members in the same age group, so I feel like we are all doing everything together. I think we’ll split up when we get a little more work done.
There are about eight staff members, but there’s no age gap where you can show leadership.

I think there is a real shortage of people in the architectural design industry; it seems to be busy everywhere at all times.
Also, the work of architectural design has become challenging in some respects. The content is becoming more and more advanced.
And unfortunately, in Japan, there are a lot of people who try to get their feet wet, so it’s hard to fail.

When I was in my twenties, there was a carefree atmosphere in which failure was a little more acceptable, but now I am troubled by an atmosphere in which failure is not an option.
As a business owner, I’ ve got the dilemma of wanting young people to fail, but not letting them fail as a business.

What kind of person I want is someone who can fail and still be okay with something! (laughs). In fact, even if you fail, you can manage.
I think it’s good to know where and what to push. We’re talking about how to look at the world from a bird’s eye view, so it would be great if a person had the mentality to be able to see this from a comprehensive perspective.

オンラインでのインタビューの様子 | An online interview







ウチの事務所と、藤原徹平さん、大西・百田さん、RING ARCHITECTSという伊東豊雄事務所出身の郷野・上條さん、あとは京都の地元の吉村建築事務所という共同設計体です。

(2020.04.22 オンラインにて)

── Do you think remote work will continue to grow in the future?

Inui: Surprisingly, I think we can work online. But we need to come to the office at least once a week. There is a lot of material to look at in architectural design, such as checking models.
Because it’s an old industry, there’s a lot of material that doesn’t go on the web. I have a feeling that the actual design will be delicate unless a physical location is secured as the location for this.

Another thing that I think is difficult is the education of newcomers. Staff who have a certain amount of work in mind can do a lot online, but that’s not the case with new graduates.
I have one new staff member in my office, and I feel sorry for him because he’s always doing what he’s told at home, and I’m worried about how he’s going to grow up.
The question of how to develop new employees through telecommuting is a concern in every industry right now, isn’t it?

They say, “The environment breeds people. Seeing and hearing “what’s going on around me” or “someone’s being scolded” is essential information for a newcomer, and if you don’t have it, it’s hard to understand things structurally.

── What kind of buildings are you designing these days?

Inui: The big project I’m working on now is the design of the relocation of the Kyoto City School of Art and Design JV (click here to see the results of the selection of the “Kyoto City University of Arts and Kyoto City Doya High School of Art and Design” proposal).

Our office, Teppei Fujiwara, Onishi and Hyakuda, RING ARCHITECTS, Gono and Kamijo from Toyo Ito’s office, and Yoshimura Architects, a local firm in Kyoto.
The design is now almost finished, and it will take three years to complete the construction.

Also, I am designing a welfare facility in Yamanashi Prefecture. It is a welfare facility for the disabled. There are many difficult issues involved, but it is an issue that a country like Japan has to deal with in many ways. I’m going to take some time to do that, and I’m going to do it carefully. 【】
(online on 2020.04.22)


Interview with Kumiko Inui

2020年日本建築学会賞 受賞インタビュー #01

Interview with Kumiko Inui

2020年日本建築学会賞 受賞インタビュー #02

【購読無料】空間デザインの今がわかるメールマガジン TECTURE NEWS LETTER


2020年日本建築学会賞 関連記事


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