Study Series
Interview with Koichi Suzuno
#01 現場の感覚を次のプロセスに転換する
#02 プロダクトは発想の変換で解を探る
#03 プロジェクトは掛け算でドライブさせる
#04 外に出て別の視点を持つべし
TORAFU ARCHITECTS Inc. (TORAFU) designs a wide range of products, from small, familiar ones such as rings, to event venue planning, store interiors, and architecture.
How do they derive products and spaces full of intriguing ideas and evoke a sense of intimacy?
Also, how do they approach the design process, and how do they envision the finished product?
And what do they expect from a company that doesn’t keep everything under wraps and actively collaborates with others?
Through an interview with Koichi Suzuno, co-founder of TORAFU, we captured their approach of exploring ideas through discovery and collaboration.
Study Series
Interview with Koichi Suzuno
“Developing ideas through discovery and collaboration”
# 01 Transform the sense of the field to the next process
# 02 Exploring Product Solutions by converting ideas
# 03 Drive the project by multiplication
# 04 Go outside and have a different perspective
── トラフは設計をどのようなアプローチとプロセスで進めていますか?
〈BASECAMP TOKYO〉は、まさに現場で目の前にあるものを壊しながら考えて設計した、ちょっと不思議で面白いプロジェクトです。
Thinking on project sites while destroying it
─ What are TORAFU’s approach and process for designing?
Suzuno: When we design, we sometimes think about things like the “reverse approach.”
The “inside out” perspective that we named for the exhibition at TOTO GALLERY·MA was one of these approaches.
Rather than coming up with a concept, designing, and then thinking, “Okay, let’s decide on a material,” we often approach it from the material’s point of view, or the ideas we discover on-site factory become the next step in the process.
I think it would be uninteresting if we just drew all the plans at the design stage and then completed them.
I think it’s more interesting if the ideas that come to mind on the spot are built up on top of each other.
<BASECAMP TOKYO> is a unique and exciting project designed by breaking things on the site, right in front of us.

Our client is leading South Korean IT company, and about 50 of its employees are in Japan on business trips at any one time. In the past, each of them had to stay in a hotel respectively. In addition, they need to save resources and time for it, they should find out a good place to make themselves at home.
Some people stay for a month, and others stay for even three months, so they thought it would be nice to have a place where they could bring their families, so they thought, “Well, let’s make it.”
But they couldn’t find any good land based on the area’s size and convenience, so the company bought an apartment building right in front of the station and said, “Well, let’s just buy it all.” And, the whole building was renovated.
When we visited the new apartment site, we found it to be just an ordinary modern apartment, only it had been built with synthetic building materials and was very mediocre. The walls and ceiling were all covered with the vinyl cloth.
It was almost complete with even art in the lobby, which I thought was a waste of money, but we started by tearing it down.
Each unit is separated from the others by a structural wall so that we couldn’t tear it down. But unless we took down the walls, there were only rooms big enough to fill with one bed.
We did structural calculations for the common area on the first floor and removed the walls while reinforcing them, connecting the 11 private rooms separated into sections as a single space.
They also needed a coworking space and cafeteria function, so there was no point in having a place where everyone could gather.
We also wanted to connect them vertically, so we broke down the two rooms on the upper floor to create a loft-like space.
By doing so, when you enter the building, space suddenly becomes empty and large, and we’ve been able to create a sense of connection upstairs as well.

壁を大掛かりに抜いているぶん、補強すべき個所には、コンクリートを増し打ちしました。 また、解体した後の表情が面白かったので、それをそのまま仕上げとしてしまったり。その時々の感覚を大切にしています。
Possibly, we could have covered all of the common areas with new flooring, but we found that the structure was lowered to make room for the drainage pipes in each unit when we tore down the existing flooring. We only raised the floor in that area and laid linoleum, and otherwise just shaved and polished the existing concrete floor to keep the old and new patchwork look.
We also kept the carbon fiber sheeting around the floor openings on the second floor to show the reinforcement.
This is an improvisational and exciting aspect of the design. We had to think about it on site. It’s not something that can be described on a blueprint.
Since we had to pull out a large portion of the wall, we poured extra concrete where it needed to be reinforced. It was also interesting to see how the building would look after dismantling, so we finished it as is. We try to keep in mind the sensations we get at times.

On the other hand, we tried to use the air-conditioning, lighting, and synthetic building materials that were already in place when they were purchased.
We would like to highlight the contrast between the old and the new, even though it was all new, to begin with (laughs).
Everything was covered with synthetic building materials, so it was a bit of a relief when the real concrete appeared underneath the existing finish, which was a natural material.
The dwelling units’ front doors look poorly lined up, so we painted them in a color that protrudes from the doors to make the entrances to each room look bigger.

鈴野:もう1つ、プロセスが面白かったのが〈リーガロイヤルホテル メインロビー〉の改修です。
Committed to digging up treasures
Suzuno: Another interesting process was the renovation of <RIHGA Royal Hotel Osaka Main Lobby>.
When it was first built, it was a space designed by Isoya Yoshida, and the carpet, called Dantsu, was very nice with its autumn leaf patterns.
But later, the floor was replaced, the pillars of the room were dark, and the Maki-e on the pillars were too dim to stand out, and the ceiling light was too bright, making it look like an airport corridor.
There’s a beautiful space in the back with a waterfall running down the wall, so we decided to “return it to the original” it, in essence, to connect to that. But it’s hard to get the client to agree with us.
They’re asking us to make it better; they’re not asking us to make it back to their original.
But we conveyed to them that the hotel’s original value is what holds the crown jewels of the Rihga Royal family.

For us, it wasn’t just a matter of restoring the building to its original state, but also of introducing the latest products while considering the intentions of Mr. Yoshida, since some things could not be done with the technology he had designed at the time.
For example, if you looked at a building photograph when it was first built, you’ll see large round holes in the ceiling.
The reason for this is that he wanted to illuminate the floor to draw attention to the carpet. But the ceiling is low, so passersby can’t help but look up at the ceiling holes.
We wanted to bring the eye down as much as possible, so we used a type of ceiling light called glare less, which doesn’t show the light source. The surface of the ceiling is back to a gold grid pattern.
We also doubled the size of the Manyo brocade pattern on the floor of the main lobby, which was used to decorate the large carpet.
We intended to create a stronger impression and modernize the space. This is also to avoid the size of the pattern that was on the pillar face.
The pillars themselves were decorated with gold maki-e, so we wanted to make them look like they were shining.
There is very little space in the ceiling, but I folded in a little bit and put in lighting like a wall washer. The light shines on the pillars and bounces off the pillars as it reaches the floor, making it look like the entire pillar is on fire.
When we decided to make a carpet again, we asked a Yamagata-based manufacturer, Oriental Carpet, who had made “Manyo no Nishiki” when the hotel opened.
Other manufacturers can make the carpet more cheaply in terms of technology and price. Still, their quality through careful finishing and the time and effort they put into their work is overwhelming.
We repeatedly explained to clients that the revival of the hotel is symbolic by reviving the rugs with the time’s craftsmanship and welcoming guests at the entrance.
In Yamagata, artisans weave the carpets over several months, starting in the season when the snowfalls.
They weave using a hook gun in a method called “hand stitching,” They repeatedly weave a pattern outline first and then weave the inside of the carpet, which is a fretful process.
Also, most of the artisans are women. There is a dignified appearance to work in progress.

In the end, the rugs, which weighed about eight tons, were laid down at once. It was like a festival, with people from TV stations covering the occasion.
People couldn’t carry long drapes, so they rolled the drapes in the shorter direction and lined them up in a row. They had to be rolled up once and adjusted on site.
It’s difficult because they have to be cut on the pillars. They are expensive. Once the pillars were carved, the joints were inserted to make them less noticeable.

〈リーガロイヤルホテル メインロビー〉は新しく見る人にとっては新鮮ですし、昔の姿を知っている人で「よくぞ戻してくれました」と言ってくれた人もいました。
〈リーガロイヤルホテル メインロビー〉でのものづくりをきっかけに、新製品の発表やショールームのオープンなど、ブランドにとっての大きな出来事を一緒に進められているのは、嬉しいですね。
If this had been revamped to something different and modern again, it would have made the whole thing look normal instead.
It’s a bit disappointing for the client who asks for the design to say, ” We need to change something to make it feel different.”
In many cases, the original design is excellent and well-loved.
The RIHGA Royal Hotel Main Lobby is new to people who see it for the first time, and some people knew what it looked like in the past and said, “I’m glad you brought it back.”
There was a time when the original design was thought to be outdated, so it had been renovated before, but now people are rethinking things like folk art and handicrafts.
We didn’t want to impose our plan and design on the building, but instead, we focused on “uncovering the treasures.”
We have continued to work with Oriental Carpet since then, and now we are participating in the development of new products. We are also designing a new showroom for Yamagata Dantsu in Higashi-Kanda, Tokyo.
It is great to see that our work on the RIHGA Royal Hotel Main Lobby has allowed us to work together on significant events for the brand, such as the launch of new products and the showroom’s opening.
〈山形緞通 東京ショールーム〉
自社の工房で開発してきた2万色以上の色数を用いて、豊かなグラデーションを生かしたものづくりを得意とするブランド「山形緞通」が、「無地」の絨毯を共同開発。単色の深み、表情や質を追求した「とびきりの無地」を実現する。10月下旬にオープン予定の東京ショールームは、移転した「TARO NASU Gallery」(設計:青木淳建築計画事務所)があったビルに入る。
〒101-0031 東京都千代田区東神田1丁目2-11 アガタ竹澤ビル<Yamagata Dantsu Tokyo Showroom>
Yamagata Dantsu, a brand specializing in manufacturing carpets with rich gradations using more than 20,000 colors developed in its workshop, has jointly developed a ‘plain’ carpet. The Tokyo showroom, which is scheduled to open in late October 2020, will be located on the former site of TARO NASU GALLERY (designed by Jun Aoki & Associates).
Agata Takesawa Building, 2-11, Higashikanda 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0031, Japan
Photograph: Isao Negishi
── 仕事の種類や内容は変わってきましたか?
最新では〈Aesop ニュウマン横浜店〉を、徳島の藍染め師 BUAISOU とのコラボレーションでつくりました。
Keep thinking about how to approach
─ Has the type and content of work changed?
Suzuno: Yes, we’ve been doing many interior design and exhibition spaces for a long time. We have many shops that sell goods, but we also have a lot of the same clients we have been working with for a long time.
We’ve worked on about 13 Aesop stores so far, including one in Korea, and we continue to do so today.
The most recent store, Aesop NEWoMan Yokohama, was created in collaboration with Tokushima-based indigo dyer BUAISOU.

東京・渋谷の〈Aesop 渋谷店〉は、以前に小さい店舗を設計したのですが、サービスを向上させるために場所を少し移動して、規模を大きくするプロジェクトでした。
〈イソップ 渋谷店〉は、本当は木でカバーされていく途中とか、木で覆われていたものを剥がしている途中のよう雰囲気を出しています。
The Aesop Shibuya store in Shibuya, Tokyo, was previously a small shop that we had designed, but to improve the service, we had to move it around a bit and make it bigger.
Aesop’s requests are always a bit interesting. For example, they’re going to make a booklet with a map of the planned locations. It’s like they’re specifying the next target for 007. Even if you read it, though, it doesn’t disappear (laughs).
And at Aesop, we sometimes think in terms of different materials for different stores. It’s not a rule of “one material, one store,” but we always keep in mind what materials we’re going to focus on, depending on the location.
Aesop doesn’t always seem to want to feel like they’re inserting something different into the area.
If we think about what makes Shibuya unique, there’s always a crane standing there, unfinished, which is never finished. And if you feel there are high-end, high-quality shops, suddenly there are shops that look like back alleys with bare steel frames.
We thought that it would be typical of Shibuya if we could express this odd balance of all these things coexisting together.
Aesop Shibuya Store is actually in the process of being covered with wood or stripping away what was once covered with wood.
We wanted to create a contrast between the high quality and the rough stuff. Sometimes furniture is made by construction work, but furniture makers’ accuracy is entirely different.
That’s why we wanted to collaborate with Karimoku, which has the largest wood processing plant in the furniture industry. This was the first time for Karimoku to join this kind of interior design work.

While the wooden furniture is made to fit the nearest millimeter, we wanted to make the project’s architectural side more civil engineering-like.
That’s why we used a hot-dip galvanizing process called dipping. Because the metal is dipped into a liquid of hundreds of degrees Celsius, the difference in thickness for a single component can be as much as 3 centimeters.
We use these hot-dip galvanized parts for the city’s facade, and we also use them in combination with wood for the fixtures. We dare to separate the wood and the metal and work together, which gives it an odd feel.
The carpet in the center of the floor is a cashmere blend. It is not placed underneath the furniture where people can’t stand so that you can see the slightly rough concrete floor.

(#02 プロダクトは発想の変換で解を探る に続く)
When the furniture made by Karimoku was delivered to the site, we were amazed at the way the furniture items were packed to deliver.
They were packed tightly and very neatly, with plans to reduce the number of times they had to be carried as much as possible. It’s not like you can wrap them up in a blanket.
Since this project, we’ve been collaborating with Karimoku on office work and other projects.
(Continued on # 02 Exploring Product Solutions by converting ideas)

Study Series
Interview with Koichi Suzuno
#01 現場の感覚を次のプロセスに転換する
#02 プロダクトは発想の変換で解を探る
#03 プロジェクトは掛け算でドライブさせる
#04 外に出て別の視点を持つべし
Study Series
Interview with Koichi Suzuno
“Developing ideas through discovery and collaboration”
# 01 Transform the sense of the field to the next process
# 02 Exploring Product Solutions by converting ideas
# 03 Drive the project by multiplication
# 04 Go outside and have a different perspective