
トイット Tiny Bakery / シロアナ+上領大祐建築設計事務所+今城瞬建築設計事務所+拓匠開発


(English below)

千葉県野田市にあるベーカリー〈トイット Tiny Bakery〉は、フランス語で屋根を意味する「toit」が名前の由来である。経営するのは、個人のオーナーでも飲食系の法人でもなく、千葉を中心に宅地開発を本業とするデベロッパーである。交通が不便であることを逆手に取り、自然環境に恵まれた194区画の宅地を開発した事業者として、緑地や広場とともに街の活性化の呼び水となるよう、この店舗を計画した。





A bakery with a triangular roof where local stores line up daily under the eaves

Tiny bakery, located in Noda City, Chiba Prefecture, takes its name from the French word “toit,” meaning “roof.” The bakery is not owned by a private individual or a restaurant company, but by a developer whose primary business is to develop residential land in and around Chiba. As a developer of 194 residential lots blessed with a natural environment, taking advantage of traffic inconvenience, we planned this store to be a catalyst for the revitalization of the town, along with green space and plaza.

Under the eaves of the large roof, a mobile coffee shop, a florist, and other businesses that reflect the city’s needs at different times of the year and seasons can gather.
It is different in meaning from the Japanese style marché, where people go out on holidays to buy and eat staple foods such as bread, and the occasional flower or general merchandise that they come across will accent their daily lives and act as an infrastructure for the city to offer a variety of food and products to take out.

The first is the large roof, which makes the building look as good as the city’s face. The first is the large roof, which makes the store look as good as the town’s face.
By keeping the retail space in the store to a minimum (9.5 m² of retail space and 20 m² of kitchen space), we made use of the 75 m² of space under the eaves of the building to create a pleasant, semi-outdoor space where various types of shops can gather to eat and drink. The impression of the exterior space under the eaves is interiorized by hanging original pendant lights under the eaves, just as inside the restaurant. We created a semi-outdoor atmosphere that is neither inside nor outside.

Secondly, by shifting the angle between the roof and the wall by 45 degrees, various semi-outdoor spaces are created under the eaves. In front of the store entrance, the south side of the building is a multi-purpose wooden deck space. The west side, which is adjacent to the road outside the site and full of activity outside the city, is a relaxing eat-in space off the shops’ traffic line. The east side has no steps from the front road and is easily accessible for kitchen cars, etc., and has toilets that can be used directly from outside. The north side of the building is used as a loading entrance, equipment storage, and staff rest area.
The wall that separates these spaces is structurally necessary under the eaves of the building. Still, the maximum number of openings was created to gently connect the spaces under the eaves, resulting in various spaces with an appropriate sense of distance. Visually, it gives the impression that the greenery and human figures are seen through the openings ooze out.

Just as distinctive as the design is the fact that it is managed by a local developer who has developed the town itself. Despite being located only a 30-minute walk from the nearest station, more than 100 pairs of customers come to the store every day, and it is not unusual for the store to be sold out in the morning. Unlike the so-called “bakery” located in front of the station, the store has always had virtually no foot traffic in front of it. The shop is opened daily to become the center of communication in the town and exchange between people on and off the premises. (Toshitaka Terashima, Daisuke Kamiryo, Shun Imajo, Hideyuki Kudo)

【トイット Tiny Bakery】


担当:寺島敏貴(シロアナ)、上領大祐(上領大祐建築設計事務所)、今城 瞬(今城瞬建築設計事務所)、工藤英之(拓匠開発)
構造設計:Graph Studio



【Toit Tiny Bakery】

Location: 4-19-4 Mizuki, Noda, Chiba, Japan
Principal use: Bakery
Client: Takusho Kaihatsu
Completion: 2018

Planning and development: Takusho Kaihatsu
Direction: Siloana
Architects: Daisuke Kamiryo Architects, Shun Imajo Architects
Design team: Toshitaka Terashima (Siloana), Daisuke Kamiryo Architects, Shun Imajo Architects, Hideyuki Kudo (Takusho Kaihatsu)

Sign design: Takumi Morohashi
Lighting design: Theater Company
Contractor: Hoshi Komuten

Photographs: Ooki Jingu

Construction type: New building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 1 story bld.
Site area: 181.13m²
Building area: 92.17m²
Total floor area: 29.33m²
Design term: 2017.06-2018.06
Construction term: 2018.01-2018.06

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