
八幡の家 / 小松隼人建築設計事務所


(English below)




A hospitality house built by connecting multi-directional views

This house was a project in a suburban area of Hiroshima City. To the west of the site is the Yahata River, and to its north is a mountain range that leads to the Yuki hot spring. The site is also directly connected to a contiguous scrub with the house to its south, which creates a vibrant environment where one can enjoy a variety of different views in multiple directions. The owner of this house settled on this location. He wanted to experience something different from the urban life in the city center where he lived and live in a rich natural environment where he is surrounded by his hobbies of outdoor activities and gardening.

This project involved designing the entire layout of the house while capturing the view in each direction uniquely so that we could build a “house that integrates the views in different directions.” In other words, we had designed this house by focusing on how the house can serve as a “nexus between everyday life and the surrounding environment,” which we believed would be the perfect design for this spot.
To the south, we arranged the LDK area and the L-shaped garden on the southern side of the house such that they are connected to the scrub that is visible from the front. We also designed a space with significant depth below the eaves adjacent to the garden, where the sliding doors of the LDK area can be fully opened in an L-shape to create continuity with the garden. Furthermore, by building a large staircase as an extension of the living room, guests have a space to sit and enjoy the view of the garden.
To the west, while it is possible to see the Yawata River to the west, we decided to build a slanted wall here for privacy because of the heavy traffic along the river and the loud noises in the day. Giving the wall a sloping top creates an intermediate state between structures that are entirely “open” and “closed,” allowing the viewer to be enjoyed without any obstruction, even with a physical wall that is technically “closed.” The wall gradient has also been designed to match the roof and preserve a sense of continuity with the entire building while striking the perfect balance with the mountain range in the distance.
To the north, we expanded the landing of the stairs to create a study area with a counter. In addition to going up and down the stairs, one can enjoy reading books here while enjoying the shifting scenery. Our design also ensures that opening the windows facing the south and above the counter in the study area creates a passageway for the breeze in the north-south direction, while opening the window along the 2F corridor creates the same effect in the vertical direction.

As the owner receives many guests at home, having spaces for relaxation in various spots beyond the living room is essential. We believe that a way of living that uses versatile areas and does not compromise the surrounding views can serve as the basis for the new homes of families. (Hayato Komatsu)






【House in Yahata】

Location: Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima, Japan
Principal use: Residential
Client: Individual
Completion: 2018

Architects: Hayato Komatsu Architects
Design team: Hayato Komatsu, Yutaka Harada
Structure engineer: Satoshi Horie Architects
Kitchen: Matsuoka Seisakusho
Contractor: Kirin Mokuzai

Photographs: Toshiyuki Yano

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 290.25m²
Building area: 106.91m²
Total floor area: 126.77m²
Design term: 2017.01-2017.10
Construction term: 2017.11-2018.05

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