
鶴岡邸 / 武田清明建築設計事務所


(English below)




A house that carries soil on its back, runs water, and accepts other living things

In a scientific journal (Nature: December 9, 2020), I came across an article titled “The Unchecked Growth of Artifacts. According to the article, human-made artifacts are now beginning to outnumber the mass of life on the planet, and a major factor in this is building materials. This suggests that we are reaching the limit of what we have been doing so far, which is to continue creating “architecture only for people. Now that the balance between living organisms and artifacts is critical, what is the future place for humans, and what is the ideal form of architecture?
First of all, architecture must have the essential function of protecting us from harsh nature. With each disaster, the boundary between nature and space has become sturdier, and the division between the inside and outside of the place of human beings and other living things has grown stronger. We know that the environment created by nature and other living things is rich and beautiful. We plant trees in our gardens, green rooftops, and walls. However, plants that add to the liveliness of architecture or serve as landscaping for people’s places are planned from a one-sided viewpoint on the human side. It is not a place for living creatures but a place for extended human beings. The reality of the “unchecked increase of artifacts” may lie in this “unconscious expansion of the human place. People, plants, animals, and insects on the earth are all engaged in the business of living together, and the earth is an amorphous aggregate inhabited by various organisms, including people. Can architecture serve as a receptacle for them as a single entity?

We were asked to design a row house. The site is a long, quiet, low-rise residential area, but a rich natural park stretches out in front of it. While a natural monumental plant colony is also present, there is also an artificial pond where tourists’ boats float, creating an environment where nature and artifice are interwoven. Rather than filling the site with places for humans, we sought to create an architecture that embraces the environment in front of it. Usually, the site is divided into a “garden” and a “house” in a plan, but this method tends to create a mere proximity relationship between nature and architecture. What if the “garden” and “house” were stacked vertically in a cross-sectional plan? All the floors would be at ground level, and an underground-like space would be created underneath, creating a relationship that mutually influences each other. The soil was made as deep as possible so that the stacked garden would be not only a ground level but also a small forest with a mixture of shrubs and even medium-sized trees. This is contrary to modern rooftop gardening, which pursues the thinness of soil. By opening the garden to other organisms, providing them with a place to live, and creating them together, the “garden” becomes an “environment. An essential condition for an environment that supports other organisms is good drainage of rainwater in the soil. Therefore, after repeated consideration of the cross section where rainwater naturally falls by gravity, we arrived at a continuous vault slab. The flow of water, as rain is carried from the mountains of the vault to the valley and from the valley to the vertical core, became the form of the architectural frame as it is. This approach is similar to civil engineering designs such as irrigation canals and dams. In civil engineering design, there is an earnestness to concentrate only on how to rationally carry rain, soil, and other elements in the harsh natural environment. It was never easy to take on the environment. Unlike static manufactured structures, changes in the environment cannot be controlled. Soil is heavy enough as it is, but when the design conditions of architecture are unpredictable and unstable creatures and the climate, with the prospect of torrential rains, plants that grow and increase in size every year, and other such loads, what exactly should the design criteria be? The more the design progressed, the more I became tremendously afraid of holding on to the environment. Nevertheless, we managed to construct this “environmental infrastructure” by installing multiple overflow pipes to cope with heavy rainfall, limiting the amount of soil to the boundary between the interior and exterior, the rooftop, and the second-floor eaves, where evaporation would soften the heat of solar radiation, and facing the risks of nature.
Why have we devoted so much energy to creating this “architecture for the environment”? I hoped “architecture for the environment” might bring new rationality to “space for people. By enveloping the space with unusually thick soil, there may be a place where people can spend their time in summer so coolly that they do not feel the heat from the outside sun, like a cave, or in winter, there may be a vaguely warm place around the floor and core by storing heat in the soil through floor heating. The soil may positively affect the lives of people. The continuous vaulted slab, which is shaped to shed rainwater, creates an extremely low ceiling height in the space below it, which may seem negative at first glance, but compared to a typical flat slab, it may be a way of structure that reaches out to people’s lives a little more. While creating an open high ceiling of 3,500mm at the apex, the slab drops to 2,000mm at the valley and can be reached. If the structure is reachable, eye bolts, ring nuts, and wires can be attached to the P-Con to hang hammocks in any position, move pendant lights, hanging planters, and partition the space with curtains. A structure that can be touched by hand may create creativity in our lives. The structure would support not only the environment but also the living.

During the construction, there was still one major doubt that remained in my mind. That is, the environment supported by this manufactured structure is “managed nature” with the addition of human hands, and the original environment is what we call “untouched nature.
This reminded me of an experience I had when I was a student visiting a masonry village in Urbino, Italy, as part of a survey of ruins. There was a ruin on an open hill, and when I entered what must have been a living room with a large hole in the roof, I was surprised to find a small forest inside the room. Without the architecture, the place would have been just a grassy hill. But because there were traces of manufactured structures, the creatures had diversified. Ivy could grow wild on the vertical surface because of the exterior stone wall, shrubs were protected from the strong sun because of the roof, and medium-sized trees survived because of the floor tiles that received rainwater to the fullest extent. When I remembered this, I felt that through this project, I wanted to aim at the fact that “architecture for human beings” is also for the environment, and “architecture for the environment” is also for human beings. If we can observe supply and demand from both sides, between humans and nature, soil and plants, plants and animals, and the various living things that surround us in our daily lives, and if we can find a structure in which architecture can combine the functions of each and be established in a mutually beneficial and complementary relationship, then we may be able to acquire the architectural style of the future. This project is an example of a building that is both a work of art and a residence.
The Tsuruoka Residence is an architecture that attempts to accommodate people and other living things. As time goes by, the trees will grow, and with the help of flying birds and insects, species of trees that are not here now will be added, and eventually, a small forest may be born. In a few decades, the organisms will grow to such an extent that the architecture will disappear, and one day it will surely exceed the mass of manufactured objects. However, this single house will not have enough effect to improve the global environment at large. Rather, I wanted to create a life in which people and other living creatures are in direct contact with each other in a second-person “I and you” relationship, in an environment composed of an appropriate balance of living creatures and manufactured objects, and at a distance that makes us feel grateful for the blessings we receive. (Kiyoaki Takeda)



構造設計:鈴木 啓(ASA)、長谷川理男(ASA元所員・oha代表)
植栽:太田敦雄、松島哲雄(ACID NATURE)
造園:上田 亮、新保博巨(越後苔匠)



【Tsuruoka house】

Location: Nerima-ku, Tokyo
Principal use: Tenement house
Client: Individual
Completion: 2020

Architects: Kiyoaki Takeda architects
Design team: Kiyoaki Takeda, Miyuki Sakuyama
Structure engineer: Akira Suzuki / ASA
Lighting: Toshio Takeuchi
Landscape: Atsuo Ota, Tetsuo Matsushima / ACID NATURE
Contractor: Taihei Kensetsu
Furniture: Hideo Minamikawa (Sign Craft Co., Ltd.)
Landscaping: Ryo Ueda, Hiroki Shinbo (Echigo kokesho)

Photographs: Masaki Hamada / kkpo

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Steel
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 258.27m²
Building area: 111.59m²
Total floor area: 206.72m²
Design term: 2018.10-2020.04
Construction term: 2020.06-2021.06



【PROJECT Movie】武田清明が語る〈鶴岡邸〉のポイント


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