
360° / /360°







最低限の欲とデザインで、偏ることなくなんの方向性ももたない建物「360°」にしたかった。それは改めて見てみると、ほぼファーストスケッチのまま完成していた。(納谷 新)

A residence designed without authorship and simply for a place to stay

A few years ago, he drew a sketch and looked for a site in an environment where he could build it. Instead of having a site and relying on its conditions to design, there was a sketch first. This was the opposite way of proceeding from his usual work.

In building my residence, I wanted to create a place to live, so I started the design process without pursuing my ideas of what a house should look like or what I thought was beautiful. This was the way to create something I truly wanted to live in. As a result, several unnamed places were made, some inside, some outside, some narrow, some wide, some closed, some open, and connected without hierarchy like a park, with six different levels.

On the first floor, the floor level was set at GL-900mm, which secured privacy while opening up the space to the ceiling height of 3,100mm and creating a moderately enclosed space. The semi-subterranean design provides a cool environment in summer and a warm environment in winter by means of stable geothermal heat. Digging the earth to lighten the land’s own weight is also advantageous structurally.

The building also has eaves around the entire structure, an attempt to ensure comfort without relying on facilities as in a Japanese Minka. The depth of the eaves on the south deck is 2,550 mm, which was planned to avoid the intense summer sun and rain. The ceiling height is also kept at 2,100mm, and it is a room in impression rather than a place of extension of a room.
Furthermore, by planting grass on the roof, we created another place to live while aiming for a heat insulation effect. Rather than creating a place to play, we have created a place realistically necessary for living. To avoid a strict division between the interior and the exterior, the turf roof blends in with the green neighborhood beyond the site as if to erase the boundaries between them.

Composing the building with the necessary places of residence made the final plan bumpy, but I did not try to fit it into a neat rectangle. This is true both in elevation and in cross-section, with the first and second floors looking different from each other, the roof as a boundary, and the walls not being aligned.
It is neither Japanese nor Western, neither new nor old, neither new nor old, and I designed it as unedited as possible, without a form to aim for, like an animal simply building a nest. I thought this was pure, natural, and true.

I wanted to create a “360°” building with a minimum of greed and design, without bias or direction. Looking at it again, it was almost as complete as the first sketch. (Arata Naya)



担当:納谷 新、島田明生子

撮影:吉田 誠



Location: Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Principal use: Residence
Client: Individual
Completion: 2013

Architects: /360°
Design team: Arata Naya, Akiko Shimada
Structure engineer: Yasushi Moribe
Constructor: Iitsuka koumuten

Photographs: Makoto Yoshida

Construction type: New Building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 192.56m²
Building area: 73.21m²
Total floor area: 94.79m²
Design term: 2010.10-2012.10
Construction term: 2012.10-2013.10

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