
ワルシャワに建つ オフィスやレストラン、点在する公共空間を含む〈ヴァルソ・タワー〉

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

ポーランド、ワルシャワに竣工した〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉は、310mという記録的な高さを誇る、EU圏内において最も高い超高層建築です。70,000m²のフレキシブルなオフィスやレストラン、ショップ、1階から最上階までの随所に配された公共空間など、ワルシャワの新たな名所として設計されています。

ノーマン・フォスター(Norman Foster)率いるイギリスの建築設計事務所フォスター アンド パートナーズ(Foster+Partners)が設計しました。


〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

スロバキア、ポーランド、イギリス、チェコ共和国、ハンガリー、ドイツにて活動する不動産開発企業HBリーヴィス(HB Reavis)が開発を進めるヴァルソ・プレイスに建つ超高層建築〈ヴァルソ・タワー〉が竣工した。


〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

フォスター アンド パートナーズのスタジオ代表であるグラント・ブルッカー(Grant Brooker)は、次のように語る。


〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners



〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners



〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners



〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners



〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

©︎ Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

フォスター+パートナーズのパートナーであるジェドレイ・コレシンスキー(Jedrzej Kolesinski)は次のように語る。



〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

Ground floor plan

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

6th floor plan

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

49th floor plan

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

53rd floor plan

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

Elevation drawing

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

Section drawing

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

Section drawing

〈ヴァルソ・タワー(Varso Tower)〉

Facade junction detail


Varso Tower

Foster + Partners completes the EU’s tallest building

Foster + Partners has completed Varso Tower, an integral part of HB Reavis’ Varso Place in Warsaw. At a record-breaking 310 metres it is the tallest tower in the European Union.
Grant Brooker, Head of Studio, Foster + Partners, said: “We are so proud to be part of this development. Our client HB Reavis has been a fantastic champion of the project throughout and our local collaborators at Epstein and Buro Happold have worked tirelessly alongside us. We believe that the tower, filled with activity and featuring extraordinary rooftop public spaces will make a strong, positive contribution to this wonderful city. We hope that it will become a hub for local and international business and a symbol for contemporary Poland.”

Situated at the corner of Jana Pawla II and Chmielna Street, the tower forms a gateway to the new development and draws people through the building towards the public plaza on its western end that connects to the neighbouring buildings. The social heart of the project is a plaza enclosed within a glazed screen, animated with full height trees and benches for people to enjoy the surroundings. This ‘urban room’ forms the point of seamless connection between people who work in the offices – who may use it as a sit-out during breaks – and the public, to access the shops and restaurants in the neighbouring buildings.

Krzysztof Gornicki, Partner, Foster + Partners, said: “We are delighted to see the first tenants moving into the tower, which is the product of close collaboration between Foster + Partners and HB Reavis. The tower’s lobby features a 10-metre-high ceramic artwork by the local artist Krystyna Kaszuba-Wacławek, which brilliantly animates the space.”

The public realm continues at the top of the tower, accessed directly from the ground via two panoramic lifts, with a viewing platform at level 53. This is the highest inhabited floor in Poland with uninterrupted views of the city. Level 49 will soon offer a fully landscaped terrace bar, with sixteen trees, breaking the record for Warsaw’s highest garden.

The offices are served by two banks of high-capacity double-deck lifts, with each car serving two floors at any one time. With 70,000 square-metres of premium office space, the tower features large-span floorplates with three-metre clear height for open plan offices. The building achieves BREEAM Outstanding and WELL Gold certification, due in part to its triple-glazed façades.

Jedrzej Kolesinski, Partner, Foster + Partners, added: “Varso Tower is a timeless addition to the skyline and a vibrant destination in the heart of Warsaw. In addition to the flexible office spaces, the building gives back to the city by providing a dynamic public realm. The tower’s direct underground link with the adjacent Warsaw Central Station will breathe new life into the surrounding urban quarter.”

Facts and Figures

Client: HB Reavis
Appointment: 2014
Construction Start: 2017
Projected Completion: 2022
Site Area: 3,507m²
Internal Area (Net): 67,012m²
Area (Gross): 109,907m²
Typical Floor Area (Office):
Low zone: 1,403m²
High zone: 1,479m²
Terrace Area: 1,720m²
Number of Floors: 53
Height: 230m to the roof and 310m to the top of the spire
Length: 63m
Width: 45m
Observation Deck Height: 230m
Building Capacity: 11,817 people
Number of office floors: 43
Unitized cladding system on 2.7m planning grid
Triple glazed high performance glazing
Typical size of glass unit 2.7m x 4m
GRC facing to the fins and columns
Concrete Structure
Facilities: Flexible office floors, Restaurant, Shop, Bar, Public observation deck, Cafe
Parking facilities: 95 Cars, 524 Bikes, 27 Motorcycles
Materials: GRC, Glass, Concrete
Sustainability: WELL GOLD, BREEAM
Water is supplied from city water network.
Sanitary sewage is discharged to city combined drainage network. No grey water is used in the building.
Rain water is collected in retention tank and then discharged to city combined drainage system. Rain water is used for watering of greenery.


Client: HB Reavis
Architect: Foster + Partners
Norman Foster, Grant Brooker, Andy Bow, Hugh Stewart, Jedrzej Kolesinski, Krzysztof Gornicki, Zhen (Alex) Qian, Eloy Novoa Fernandez, Aquilino Fernandez Lopez, Rafael Delgado Miranda, Patricia Salgado Munoz, Josepha Russe, Ricardo Silva, Vicky Theodorou, Paola Tuosto, Paris Tsernos, Laurence York, Anna Zezula, Laurens Paulmann
Collaborating Architect: Epstein
Structural Engineers: Buro Happold, Matejko&Wesoly Biuro Projektowe
Mechanical Engineers: Buro Happold
Lighting Consultant: George Sexton Associates
Landscape Consultant: RS Architektura Krajobrazu
Façade Consultant: Emmer Pfenninger
Façade Access Consultant: Lee Herzog
Wind Tunnel Consultant: BMT
Main Contractor: HB Reavis Construction

「Varso Tower」Foster+Partners 公式サイト


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  • フォスターによるEU最高高さを誇るタワーが竣工、ワルシャワに建つ オフィスやレストラン、点在する公共空間を含む〈ヴァルソ・タワー〉ポーランド