
OMA重松象平氏による〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー〉が竣工

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

OMA NYの重松象平氏が設計した49階建ての複合ビル〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉が竣工しました。グローバルプレーヤーが住み、働き、集う、「国際新都心・グローバルビジネスセンター」の形成を目指し、森ビルが拡大・進化させてきた「虎ノ門ヒルズ」に加わる新たな建築です。

新たな大通りである新虎通りの終点に位置するこのタワーは、通りの活気を垂直方向へと引き上げるよう設計されており、地下には新虎ノ門ヒルズ駅、地上部には光あふれる駅前アトリウムや小売店の入るコンコース、最上部には文化施設「TOKYO NODE」を含む公共性の高い拠点を備えています。


〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

2023年10月25日、OMAの重松象平が設計した〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー〉が竣工した。森ビルによって開発されたこの49階建ての複合ビルは、OMAとしては東京で初の新築プロジェクトであり、これまでで最大の建築作品となった。


〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose


建物と都市をつなぐオープンなアプローチを採用した〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー〉は、都市のコンテクストに緊密に織り込まれたインターフェースを創出する。

地下には東京メトロの新駅舎、地上部には光あふれる駅前アトリウムや小売店の入るコンコース、そして最上部には文化施設「TOKYO NODE」を含む公共性の高い拠点を備える。また、中間層のフロアには、新たなホテルと賃貸可能なオフィスフロアが配置されている。

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose



〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉


〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー 低層部断面



〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose




〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose


レオ・ヴィラリアル(Leo Villareal)、ラリー・ベル(Larry Bell)、大庭大介、N.S.ハルシャ(N. S. Harsha)による、この場所の特性を活かしたサイトスペシフィックな作品を含む一連のパブリックアートは、複合施設全体に展示されている。

タワーの最上階には、OMAと森ビルが共同で企画した多面的な文化活動の拠点「TOKYO NODE」がある。最新鋭のラボ、3つのギャラリー、プールやレストランを備えたスカイガーデンがあり、Rhizomatiks x ELEVENPLAYによるインスタレーションで幕を開ける。

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose


「〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー〉が東京で初めての新築ビルであり、日本で初めての超高層ビルであることを大変嬉しく思う。このタワーは、東京メトロのネットワーク、リニューアルされた新虎通り沿いの周辺地域、そして近隣の他の超高層ビルと、空間的にもプログラム的にもつながっている。」



〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー(Toranomon Hills Station Tower)〉

Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose

Shohei Shigemtsu Photo by Tomoyuki Kusunose



Tokyo, October 25, 2023––Toranomon Hills Station Tower, designed by OMA/Shohei Shigematsu, has been completed. Developed by Mori Building, the 49-story mixed-use tower is the firm’s first ground-up building in Tokyo and largest built work to date. The building is the final installment of Mori Building’s vision for Toranomon Hills Area and central Tokyo as a new Global Business Center hub.

The Toranomon Hills Station Tower takes an open approach to the connection between the building and the city, creating a tightly woven interface in the immediate urban context. The building has a highly public base including a new Tokyo Metro Station tower underground, a light-filled station atrium and retail concourse, and a cultural center at the top called TOKYO NODE. A new hotel and leasable office floors are located in between.

The tower stands at the terminus of Shintora-dori Avenue, a newly configured thoroughfare connecting Tokyo Bay to the city center. Its form is created by extending the axis of Shintora-dori Avenue—its public character defines a central activity band in which special areas for gathering are concentrated. The core is lifted and split to either side of the base, drawing the public inward. The avenue extends into and through the tower via an elevated pedestrian bridge, completing a loop of greenery and activities for Toranomon Hills Area.

The bridge divides the base into two retail zones. The lower zone, the Station Atrium, provides direct access to the new Toranomon Hills Station on the Hibiya Line of the Tokyo Metro. The multi-story underground station is open to the outside and flooded with natural light, providing fluid access to the interior of the tower.

The public activity at the base extends vertically to form a central band of special areas for tenants throughout the tower. The building is shaped to reveal this band from multiple vantage points, making it visible across Tokyo. Two slabs sandwiching the central band are formed in inverted symmetry. The north slab narrows as it reaches the top in deference to the Imperial Palace. The south slab is narrowest at its base and widens as it rises, maximizing views of Tokyo Tower and the Roppongi Hills skyline.

The tower is open to the public and defines a new center of commercial and cultural activity. Works of art and exhibition space are integral to the tower’s presence in the urban context. A series of public art commissions, including site-specific works by Leo Villareal, Larry Bell, Oba Daisuke, and N. S. Harsha will be on view throughout the complex. The top floor of the tower is dedicated to TOKYO NODE, a multifaceted center for cultural activities devised by OMA and Mori Building in collaboration. Its state-of-the-art Lab, three galleries, and sky garden with a pool and restaurants open with a specially commissioned installation by Rhizomatiks x ELEVENPLAY.

Shohei Shigematsu, Partner, OMA: “I am very happy that the Toranomon Hills Station Tower, our first ground-up building in Tokyo and first high-rise in Japan, is now taking its place in the city. The tower makes connections with the Tokyo Metro network, the surrounding neighborhood along a renewed Shintora-dori, and other nearby skyscrapers spatially and programmatically. It blends together living, working, and cultural activity within and around its highly public base and top. The resulting multilayered, three-dimensional experience of space, a signature of life in Tokyo, is seamlessly knitted into the city fabric. It was fun and rewarding to create a vision for a project of this scale and complexity with Mori Building, and work in Japan with a great team of collaborators, whose expertise and dedication to craft and execution were essential to the project. I look forward to seeing the new building enhance existing urban relationships and start to create new ones.”

The Toranomon Hills Station Tower, TOKYO NODE, Glass Rock building, and Toranomon Hills Edomizaka Terrace Building are designed by Partner Shohei Shigematsu, Associate Takeshi Mitsuda and Jake Forster, and OMA New York—in collaboration with Mori Building Co., Ltd. (Executive Architect), Kume Sekkei (Executive Architect, Structure MEP/FP, Façade),and Arup Japan (Façade).

About OMA
OMA is an international practice operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism. OMA is led by eight partners—Rem Koolhaas, Ellen van Loon, Reinier de Graaf, Shohei Shigematsu, and David Gianotten, Iyad Alsaka, Chris van Duijn, and Jason Long. Established in 2001, OMA New York is responsible for OMA’s operations in the Americas and Japan and has since overseen the successful completion of several buildings across the United States, including Milstein Hall at Cornell University; the Faena Forum, a multi-purpose cultural venue in Miami Beach; the Pierre Lassonde Pavilion, an extension to the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec; and the Audrey Irmas Pavilion for Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.
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About Shohei Shigematsu
Shohei Shigematsu is a Partner at OMA and leads the firm’s portfolio spanning diverse typologies and scales. Sho has built several innovative workspaces including the China Central Television (CCTV) Headquarters in Beijing (2012), the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Headquarters (2013), and Tenjin Business Center in Fukuoka (2021), OMA’s first ground-up office building in Japan. In addition to the Toranomon Hills Station Tower, his engagement with mixed-use and workspace typologies includes an education and research center and headquarters for Discovery Partners Institute and University of Illinois System in Chicago and a second building for Tenjin Business Center, which is currently under construction. His recent and ongoing works in Japan include exhibition scenography for Dior at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2022), a theater and salon for a film director in Tokyo, and NTT Harajuku Quest in Tokyo, currently under construction. Sho is currently a professor at Kyushu University of Human Environment Studies and Director of BeCAT (Built Environment Center with Art & Technology).

About Mori Building Co., Ltd.
Mori Building is an innovative urban developer based in Tokyo. The company is committed to maximizing the magnetic power of Tokyo by creating and nurturing safe, sustainable and cosmopolitan urban centers based on its unique Vertical Garden City concept of high-rise centers for business, retail, culture, education, leisure and residence. The concept is applied in the company’s many leading-edge projects, including ARK Hills, Roppongi Hills and Toranomon Hills in Tokyo and the Shanghai World Financial Center. Mori Building is also engaged in real estate leasing, project management and consultation.

Project information
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Client: Mori Building Co., Ltd.

Lead Design Architect: OMA New York
Partner-in-Charge: Shohei Shigematsu
Associates: Takeshi Mitsuda, Jake Sadler-Foster, Luke Willis

Team: Yuzaburo Tanaka, Sumit Sahdev, Yoshiki Matsuda, Anahita Tabrizi, Sergio Zapata, Timothy Tse, Yusef Ali Dennis, Stavros Voskaris, Tommaso Bernabo Silorata, Jackie Woon Bae, Eduardo Tazon Maigre, Tristan Zelic, Noam Dvir, Remy Bertin, Juan Pablo Zepeda, Mitchell Lorberau, Alan Song, Sukjoo Hong, Ken Chongsuwat, Caroline Corbett, Ninoslav Krgovic, Natasha Trice, Toru Okada, Timothy Ho, Andrea Zalewski, Alyssa Murasaki Saltzgaber, Chong Ying Pai, Minkoo Kang, Joanne Chen, Jeremy Kim, Daeho Lee, Mattia Alfieri, Tetsuo Kobayashi, Assaf Kimmel, Aishwarya Keshav, Danni Zhang, Yuriko Tanabe, Taro Kagami, Tomotsugu Ishida, Bom Chinburi, Jade Kwong, Phillip Denny, Miguel Darcy, Eugenia Bevz, Shary Tawil, Wesley Ho, Nicholas Solakian, Carly Dean, Elly Cho, Tamara Jamil, Matthew Davis, Darby Foreman

Executive Architect: Mori Building Co., Ltd., Kume Sekkei
Structure: Kume Sekkei
Structure (Competition): Arup
MEP/FP: Kume Sekkei
Façade: Kume Sekkei, Arup Japan
Bridge: NEY & Partners
Interior Lighting: Arc Light Design
Exterior Lighting: L’Observatoire International
Model: Vincent de Rijk
General Contractor: Kajima Corporation

Artist Collaboration: Sabine Marcelis (vertical circulation)
Artists (Mori commissioned public art): Leo Villareal (“Firmament” at tower entrance), Larry Bell (“Pinky” in Sky Lobby), Oba Daisuke (“M” in shuttle elevator hall), N.S. Harsha (“Matter” on T-DECK)

「Toranomon Hills Station Tower」OMA 公式サイト


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  • OMA重松象平氏による大通りの活気を垂直方向へと導く超高層ビル〈虎ノ門ヒルズ ステーションタワー〉が竣工