三角形の平面をもつ2棟の建物とその間に配された、吊り下げ式の大きなキューブで構成された建築です。2棟の内側に向くファサードにはそれぞれ大型LEDスクリーンがあり、そこにアメリカを象徴するイメージやムービーが映し出され、「峡谷」のような空間をつくり出します。アメリカ、ニューオーリンズを拠点に活動するトレイハン・アーキテクツ(Trahan Architects)が設計しました。
(以下、U.S. EMBASSY & CONSULATES IN JAPANから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
ラーム・エマニュエル駐日米国大使は1月31日、2025年大阪・関西万博に出展する〈アメリカパビリオン〉のデザインを発表した。自見はなこ国際博覧会担当大臣、そしてパビリオンを設計したトレイ・トレイハン(Trey Trahan)が同席する中で大使は次のように語った。
「米国は、この斬新なパビリオンで大阪・関西万博に参加できることを誇りに思う。「Imagine What We Can Create Together(共に創出できることを想像しよう)」をテーマに掲げた〈アメリカパビリオン〉では、来場者が人類の英知を前進させる未来を思い描けるような場所を提供する。万博には2,800万人が訪れると見込まれており、その1人1人に我々のパビリオンで最高の米国を体験していただきたい。」
パビリオンの斬新なデザインは、人類が共に、そして創造力をもって前進していくことを意味するテーマ「Imagine What We Can Create Together(共に創出できることを想像しよう)」を補完するものである。交流、協力、成長を促すことで、持続可能な社会、宇宙探査、教育、起業家精神の発展に米国も共に取り組んでいくことを目指している。
Ambassador Rahm Emanuel revealed on January 31 the design of the USA pavilion for Expo 2025 Osaka. Joined by Minister for World Expo 2025, Jimi Hanako, and pavilion architect, Trey Trahan, Ambassador Emanuel said, “The United States is proud to participate in Expo 2025 with this innovative pavilion, that together with our theme of ‘Imagine What We Can Create Together,’ invites visitors to envision a future that advances the very best of humanity. Twenty-eight million visitors are expected, and we want every one of them to come through the USA pavilion that will show the best of America.
The striking wabi-sabi inspired exterior of the USA Pavilion consists of two triangular buildings with wooden facades, juxtaposed by an illuminated, suspended cube. Two large LED screens projecting iconic images and landmarks from the United States of America form a “canyon,” welcoming Expo attendees to visit and explore the USA.
The Pavilion cube exudes a soft glow in the evening, and the LED screens invite visitors to listen, taste, and explore. As visitors pass under the cube, they will enter a beautiful open-air courtyard with an electrifying performance stage. Musicians, dancers, artists, speakers, and chefs representing various regions throughout the United States will provide education, entertainment, and inspiration to millions of visitors. The Pavilion will also offer regional American cuisines and an authentic retail experience. After watching a musical or cultural performance, visitors may explore the American garden comprised of plants, grasses, and flora native to the United States.
The innovative pavilion design complements the USA Pavilion theme “Imagine What We Can Create Together” which empowers humanity to make advances collectively and creatively — joining the United States in our efforts to develop advances in sustainability, space exploration, education, and entrepreneurship by encouraging exchange, collaboration and growth.
The State Department selected ES Global Inc., a global firm specializing in the planning, construction, and dismantling of temporary structures for cultural events, to design and build the USA Pavilion. ES Global partnered with New Orleans-based, Trahan Architects, to develop the innovative design of the building and Alchemy for project management. ES Global also partnered with Los Angeles-based, BRC Imagination Arts, an experiential planning and design firm, to develop immersive exhibits and storytelling allowing visitors to envision themselves studying at U.S. universities, touring various parts of the United States, appreciating our nation’s natural beauty, and joining us for an exciting journey back to the moon as well as exploration of other galaxies. Additional details regarding the exhibition and programming will be released at a later date.
Expo 2025 Osaka will open on April 13, 2025, and is expected to receive almost 30 million visitors over the course of its six-month duration. World Expos, also known in the U.S. as World’s Fairs, are historic opportunities to showcase American values, enterprise, culture, and global leadership and to work with international partners to tackle shared global challenges.
「USA Pavilion Design for Expo 2025 Osaka」U.S. EMBASSY & CONSULATES IN JAPAN 公式サイト