© Pan Yanjun
© Cai Muan
武漢に位置する中国中部初の大型文化・観光複合施設に建てられた〈キャビン・オブ・メイズ(The Cabin of Maze)〉は、自然回帰をテーマに設計された一連のアイランドキャビンです。
13の部屋がつながった迷路状のキャビンは、自然と文化的豊かさを融合した空間体験の創出を目的に設計されています。ユニークな木造キャビンを数多く手掛ける中国の設計事務所 Wiki Worldと、同じく中国の設計事務所 AaL(Advanced Architecture Lab)が設計しました。
- 天窓や不規則な角度が迷路感を強調し、探索する楽しさを提供
- 可動式間仕切りにより、5つの独立した居住ユニットに分割可能
- デジタル技術を活用した完全なプレファブリケーション構造
- 繰り返し利用可能な金属部品で部材を接続した、容易な組み立てと解体
(以下、Wiki Worldから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
© Arch EXIST
© Pan Yanjun
© Arch EXIST
© Cai Muan
© Pan Yanjun
© Cai Muan
© Pan Yanjun
© Pan Yanjun
Wiki Worldがこれまで手がけてきたキャビンとは異なり、〈キャビン・オブ・メイズ〉は孤立感ではなく、原始的な文脈における定住関係、つまり独立と集合のバランスのとれた状態を提示しようとしている。
© Arch EXIST
© Pan Yanjun
© Arch EXIST
© Arch EXIST
〈キャビン・オブ・メイズ〉でも、Wiki Worldが他のプロジェクトでも用いてきた、自然な建築コンセプトを受け継いでおり、敷地内のすべての樹木や竹を残すことで、既存の林や小道の質感を継承している。家屋は完全に地面から離れており、すべての建物はチームとユーザーが一緒に建てる、独自開発のプレファブ木造構造となっている。
© Arch EXIST
© Arch EXIST
Wiki Worldのキャビンはレゴのように建てることができ、小さな家屋は、積み木のように森の中に配置されている。私たちは原始的で野性的な木造建築技術にもこだわっており、外壁の炭化木材パネルは手作業で焼いている。各部材は、繰り返し組み立てと解体が可能な小さな金属部品で接続されている。
© Pan Yanjun
© Pan Yanjun
© Pan Yanjun
以下、Wiki Worldのリリース(英文)です。
Location: Wuhan, Hubei province, China
Date: 2024
Floor area: 207m²
Materials: TimberProject Name: Wiki World-[Wild Home #130#] -The Cabin of Maze
Design firm: Wiki World(www.wiki-building.com)+Advanced Architecture Lab
Client: Private
Architect: Mu Wei, Feng Zhaoxian, Wu Baorong, He Wen, Liao Xiaotian, Wang Yuanying
Materials: Pre-fabricated timber, Isoplam, Bach
Construction: Wiki World
Wood supplier: Glue laminated wood from Finland
Isolations: Rothoblaas, Italy
Photo by: Wiki World, Pan Yanjun, Arch EXIST, Xhot, Cai Muan
Illustration: Wang YuanyingWiki World-[Wild Home #130#]-The Cabin of Maze
The project is located in Wuhan Ganlushan Culture Creativity City, an ultra-large-scale ‘ice and snow+’ cultural and tourism complex invested in by Wuhan Urban Construction Group, marking the first time we have ventured out of the true wilderness to integrate into a richly contented cultural and tourism complex project. Against this backdrop, we still aim to create an experience of space isolated from the world. Thus, we have joined forces with the client and the community to initiate the ‘Island Living Plan.’ This plan will create a series of island cabins and explore the possibilities of returning to nature through different spatial forms. ‘The Cabin of Maze’ is part of the natural co-construction plan and represents the first island cabin completed by Wiki World.
Be lost once at home, 13 Rooms connected
The site is a slender island, and it is planned to build 5 wilderness cabins. Compared with the previous single-family wooden cabin and predictable floor plan, friends in the community hope to live in a “blurred” way. Maybe sometimes we are a bit tired of precise spatial relationships, what if, we could hike within the cabin and even get lost once in there.
So the design is transformed into a ‘cabin-finding’ game. 13 modules of bedrooms, living rooms, and bathrooms are scattered on the island, connected by a 100-meter-long, 80-centimeter-wide black corridor. The corridor is sometimes a mini-yard, and sometimes it opens up to the sky indoors. Combined with the irregular angles of the island’s topography, the corridor connects all the rooms and provides privacy for the living space.
Walking through the black corridor with skylight on top, it feels like you are traveling in nature. The irregular angles of the corridor bring about spatial disorientation and some surprises when you arrive. Children especially like the maze cabin. They run around and shout with friends, maybe children have the right to get lost.
Independence and mergence
‘The Maze Cabin’ is a large cabin, also 5 small cabins together. The 100-meter-long black corridor is equipped with flexible partitions that can separate groups independently. By opening and closing, the space can be flexibly divided into 5 independent units with complete living functions.
The guests who live here are inseparable from each other. Your friends may live at the end of the 100-meter corridor, and you will meet familiar family members on the path. It seems like you are traveling through the cross-section of childhood neighborhood life, which is different from other wilderness homes of Wiki World. Compared with loneliness, the maze cabin attempts to present the community relationship in a tribe, a balanced state of independence and aggregation. The maze cabin is still a kind of solitary residence, requiring a boat ride to reach each other’s docks. You can look up at the sky in your own maze, or you can knock on the neighbor’s door and say hello.
Wiki World-Build Small, Dream Big
Wiki World has been committed to returning to natural life through natural construction. The maze cabin continues such a natural wild house experiment, jumping out of the inertia of the size of the thinking, focusing on the relationship between living behaviour and environment, the answer of space must be far from the daily living experience, even a little paranoid. The maze makes home blurred, ‘Small’ brings us closer to the material, so we are more sensitive. Now that we are in the forest, let’s go barefoot for a day and listen to the sound of dead leaves being crushed on the terrace.
Build Naturally
Natural buildings can be built like Lego. Little cabins, like building blocks, were placed in the forest. We stick to the original wild wood construction technique that we hand fired the façade of the carbonized wood boards. The cabins are all connected by small metal components that can be repeatedly assembled.
We try to create a precise relationship between the cabins and the environment in the nature. Each wooden cabin is elevated above the ground, and no walls or artificial landscapes are used. Nature is the best package.
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