
Villa Stardust / MVRDV




内部のすべての居住空間はパティオを中心に配置されているため、異なる空間間の視覚的なつながりが強く、クライアントのティーンエイジャーのための “チルアウト” 空間となっている。このように、庭はヴィラの中で最もカラフルな部分となっている。オレゴンパインの窓、テラコッタタイル、パティオの池に使われる青釉石などにより、自然光を取り入れるだけでなく、視覚的にも魅力的な空間となっている。建物を改装したこのヴィラは、循環型経済の原則に沿った持続可能性の高いプロジェクトであり、パティオの床材には、再利用されたテラコッタタイルなどのリサイクル素材を使用している。



Villa centered on garden patio with office converted

As a former commercial building with a limited privacy due to neighbouring structures, the key strategy in this transformation is the insertion of a vibrant central garden patio. This draws its inspiration from the Moroccan riad – a traditional dwelling form oriented around a central courtyard. Villa Stardust’s central garden is an outdoor living room open to the stars, but entirely enclosed by the building at its four perimeter faces.

Perforating the building’s deep footprint, typical for commercial structures, the 230m2 garden allows the building to breathe, ensuring that all interior living spaces are awash in natural light and ventilation. Sufficient floor space remains of the 1000m2 total to not only house a family of five and provide a clear interior-exterior connection, but also to accommodate the client’s small medical practice – all on a single level.

All interior living spaces are oriented around the garden, which facilitates a strong visual connection between different spaces, and a ‘chill-out’ space for the client’s teenagers. As such, the garden becomes the most colourful part of the villa. With its Oregon Pine windows, terracotta tiles, and blue-glazed stones for the patio’s pond feature, it not only draws natural light in, but serves as a visual attraction. As a retrofit building, the villa is a highly sustainable project following circular economy principles, and also incorporates additional recycled materials in the patio’s floor cover such as re-purposed terracotta tiles.

“The residents asked us to design the villa after they had already bought the building; I think it’s very clever that, as non-architects, they understood its potential,” says Nathalie de Vries, co-founder of MVRDV. MVRDV partner Fokke Moerel, whose team led the renovation, adds: “We left external walls intact, to guarantee privacy, and then reduced square metres considerably to improve livability. At 770m2, the villa is still quite spacious, but by using symmetry and a quiet colour palette, with a few Mediterranean accents, we created a sunny atmosphere.”

Just as the patio’s colourful resplendence functions as a visual focal point in a regular, orthogonal floor plan arrangement, colour and Moroccan embellishments become focal points within the interior’s otherwise quiet palette. For example, fit-out includes a kitchen with a powder-coated stainless steel block, as well as a tribune structure in the living space which simultaneously incorporates a media room and storage. Additionally, Moroccan tiles line the bathroom floors, lending a rich visual texture to the villa’s tranquil interior backdrop. This hierarchy establishes a consistent rhythm that creates a consistent harmony, both within the home, and between the home and the natural environment. (MVRDV)


所在地:オランダ ロッテルダム

パートナー / ディレクター:フォッケ・モーレル

著作権:MVRDV 2018 -(ヴィニー・マース、ヤコブ・ファン・ライス、ナタリー・デ・フリイス)


【Villa Stardust】

Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Size and Programme: 770m² private residence
Year: 2020

Architect: MVRDV
Founding Partner in charge: Nathalie de Vries
Partner / Director: Fokke Moerel
Design Team: Roy Sieljes, Elien Deceuninck, Daniella Persson, Natalia Lipczuk

Images: Daria Scagliola
Copyright: MVRDV 2018 – (Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries)

Project Management: DEGVAST huisadvies & ontwerp, Ron de Gast
Contractor: AvT interieur en bouw, Adriaan van Trigt
Planting Advisor: Stek, Rotterdam

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