
池尻歯科医院 / ノットイコール




またこのプロジェクトに限らず、我々が常々考えていることとして、高価 / 安価、天然 / 人工、特注 / 既製、新 / 旧、有名 / 無名、といった二項対立的な価値観の中で空間編集することに疑問があり、あらゆる要素を等価に扱い、ミックス&コラージュさせることを試み続けている。当プロジェクトでも、待合天井と視覚的に連続する庇は新規だが窓は既存であったり、照明器具をメーカーカタログ品、名作デザイナーズ、オリジナル製作を混ぜこぜに配していたりなどをその一例として行っている。大事なことはコラージュの結果に違和感がないことであり、その達成は建築の奥行きに寄与する重要な要素の1つであると考えている。


New Basic Dental Clinic through Language and Redefinition of Settings

This was a renewal project for an existing dental clinic. The clinic has been loved by local patients since the previous generation, and except for the fact that many of the patients are relatively old, the program was orthodox in terms of medical policy and requirements. Rather than proposing something experimental or novel for this program with few clues at first glance, we approached the project as an opportunity to redefine and update the basic dental space.

First of all, we set up the very simple and essential question of the “subject” and “purpose” of each space that constitutes a dental space, and then we organized and clarified each of them again. For example, the waiting area is a space for patients to stay for a certain period of time, and at the same time, it has the purpose of “relieving anxiety.” Depending on the position of the waiting area and the opening, the impression and information given to passersby can be balanced appropriately, and this perspective is also important. (For the same reason, the location of the waiting area was changed significantly in this renovation.) The examination room is a space for the doctor to provide medical care, i.e., to interview and treat the patient, and it should be a space where the patient can relax and concentrate on the treatment. The counseling room is a place where the doctor and the patient are almost equal as subjects, and it is a space for “explanation and consultation” without hesitation. In this way, by reexamining the seemingly obvious and verbalizing it, the “truly necessary setting,” i.e., the design, becomes dimly visible.

Not only in this project but also in other projects, we have always had doubts about editing spaces with a dichotomous sense of value, such as expensive/inexpensive, natural/artificial, custom-made/off-the-shelf, new/old, famous/unknown, etc., and have been trying to treat all elements equally, mixing and collaging them. In this project, for example, the eaves that are visually continuous with the waiting room ceiling are new. Still, the windows are existing, and the lighting fixtures are a mixture of the manufacturer’s catalog products, masterpiece designers, and original products. The important thing is that the collage result should not be uncomfortable, and I believe that achieving this is one of the elements that contribute to the depth of the architecture.

I was able to create a new normal dental space that is not novel or flashy but has a mysterious charm, a sense of security, and an inherent sense of beauty, while not leaving the user behind. (Kosuke Ariyoshi)



パートナー:有吉祐人(Spumoni Design Studio)
ロゴ、サイン:有吉祐人(Spumoni Design Studio)
ツール:兼行智寅(SOURCE Design Office)



【Ikejiri Dental Clinic】

Location: Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka, Japan
Principal use: Medical facility, Clinic
Completion: 2020

Design team: Kosuke Ariyoshi
Partner: Masato Ariyoshi / Spumoni Design Studio
Logo, Sign design: Masato Ariyoshi / Spumoni Design Studio
Tool: Tomotora Kaneyuki / SOURCE Design Office
Contractor: Ushijima mokkosho

Photographs: Yousuke Harigane

Construction type: Renovation
Main structure: Steel
Building scale: 2 stories
Total floor area: 121.26m² / Repair area
Design term: 2018.08-2019.12
Construction term: 2019.12-2020.03

Other works


西福間の境界 / ノットイコール


池尻歯科医院 / ノットイコール


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