Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
ロンドンのサーペンタイン・ギャラリーにて、夏季限定で設営される仮設のカフェ兼休憩所〈サーペンタイン・パビリオン(Serpentine Pavilion)〉。2000年のザハ・ハディドの設計から始まる、世界的に活躍する建築家によるパビリオンの第22回として、レバノン生まれでパリを拠点に活動する建築家 リナ・ゴットメ(Lina Ghotmeh)が設計しました。
フランス語で「テーブルにともに座る」という意味の「À table」をコンセプトとした建物で、同じ空間で同じテーブルを囲み、食事をともにすることで、私たち人間と自然や地球との関係についてともに考え、対話することを促します。
(以下、Lina Ghotmeh — Architectureから提供されたプレスキットのテキストの抄訳)
Lina Ghotmeh © Gilbert Hage
レバノンの首都ベイルートで生まれ、もともとは考古学を志していたリナ・ゴットメは、ベイルートのアメリカン大学にて建築を専攻し、「未来の考古学(Archeology of the future)」という独自の手法を確立した。
ジャン・ヌーヴェルやフォスター アンド パートナーズにて建築設計に従事した後、ダン・ドレル(Dan Dorell)と田根 剛とともに建築事務所 DGTアーキテクツを設立し、〈エストニア国立博物館〉を手がける。
Lina Ghotmeh by Harry Richards for Serpentine 2023
その後、フランス・パリにてリナ・ゴットメ ー アーキテクチャ(Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture)を主宰し、建築・アート・デザインの領域を横断した世界規模のプロジェクトを展開している。
Lina Ghotmeh by Harry Richards for Serpentine 2023
第22回のパビリオンのタイトルは、フランス語で「テーブルにともに座る」という意味である「À table」。そのフォルムと、テーブルのような有機的なデザイン、そして人と人との交流を促す座席配置により、一体感を醸しだす。
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
「『À table』は、同じ空間で、同じテーブルを囲み、ともに暮らすことへの招待状である。そして、私たちが自然や地球との関係をどのように取り戻し、再構築できるかを考え、対話し、集うことを促すものである。」
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
「生物由来の低炭素素材を使用した『À table』は、持続可能な方法で調達された木材のリブが、プリーツ状の屋根を支えるように配置された、まるでスケルトンのような建物となっている。周囲に植生する樹木の茎や樹冠の形から描かれた外周の凹凸状のラインや、木の葉の構造を模したこのパビリオンは、私たちの足元で花開く多くの生命を思い起こさせつつ、公園の自然を取り込んでいる。」
「『À table』は、この場所に根ざしつつ、ギャラリーのような開放的な外壁により公園の空間を迎え入れながら、可変的なシステムとして成長していく。また、解体や再構築が可能なため、サーペンタインの敷地を超えて、元の敷地の記憶を保ちながら生き続けることができるのである。」
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh. © Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture. Photo: Iwan Baan, Courtesy: Serpentine.
Serpentine Pavilion 2023 designed by Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture Built with Nature Ink, Pencil & Watercolor Sketch by © Lina Ghotmeh, Courtesy: Serpentine
夏の間、この〈サーペンタイン・パビリオン〉は、音楽や詩、講演、ダンスなどのライブを行う学際的なプラットフォーム「Park Nights」がサーペンタインで開催するさまざまなプログラムの場となる。
以下、Lina Ghotmeh — Architectureのリリース(英文)です。
LINA GHOTMEH SELECTED 22ND SERPENTINE PAVILION AND DESIGN REVEALEDSponsored by Goldman SachsSerpentine is delighted to announce that Lebanese-born, Paris-based architect Lina Ghotmeh, has been selected to conceive the 22nd Pavilion. Ghotmeh’s Pavilion will be unveiled at Serpentine South in June 2023 with Goldman Sachs supporting the annual project for the 9th consecutive year.This pioneering and prestigious commission, which began in 2000 with Dame Zaha Hadid, has presented the first completed UK structures by some of the biggest names and emerging talents in international architecture. The Pavilion has evolved over the years as a participatory public and artistic platform for the Serpentine’s experimental, interdisciplinary, community and family programmes.Ghotmeh leads her practice Lina Ghotmeh – Architecture in Paris, France, where she develops projects at the crossroads of architecture, art and design, on a global scale. Considerate of social conditions, environments and materials, her practice takes an in-depth 360° approach to its projects including thorough research on location history, typology of the place, materials, resources, and users’ habits.The 22nd Pavilion will continue this ongoing practice of ‘Archaeology of the future’, by exploring notions of memory, space and landscape through the architect’s own personal methodology.Next year’s Pavilion will be titled À table, the French call to sit down together at a table and will allude to a sense of unity with the form of its structure and an organic design of a table as well as seating formation inviting human interactions. Inspired by nature and echoing the grounds and canopies of the trees and its surroundings, the idea of togetherness and community will take centre stage in Ghotmeh’s structural architecture.Lina Ghotmeh, Architect said: “À table is an invitation to dwell together, in the same space and around the same table. It is an encouragement to enter into a dialogue, to convene and to think about how we could reinstate and re-establish our relationship to nature and the Earth.The Earth that embraces us is our first source of sustenance; without it, we living beings, could not survive. Rethinking what and how much we eat – how we ‘consume’ and how we weave our relationships to one another and the living world – moves us towards a more sustainable, eco-systemic communion with the Earth. Our ‘cuisine’ grounds us home; it reminds us how linked we are to the climates in which we grew up. As a Mediterranean woman, born and raised in Beirut, and living in Paris, I feel a deep belonging to our ground, to what it contains, and to what it embraces: from the buried yet weathering archaeologies of past civilisations to the embedded living world that spurs green life to sprout from every crack in the streets.In my practice as an architect, I excavate to design (and learn) from the traces of the past and I listen to the voices of my ancestors as well as those of our living world. These voices vividly resonate with future structures as ways to influence and challenge tomorrow’s architecture.In today’s changing times, this Pavilion offers a celebratory space. It is endowed with a table, around which we will sit together in a modest, low structure and in an atmosphere reminiscent of Toguna huts of the Dogon people in Mali, West Africa, designed to bring all members of a community together in discussion. Here we can eat, work, play, meet, talk, rethink, and decide.Built with bio-sourced and low-carbon materials, the structure appears like a skeleton. Sustainably sourced timber ribs are arranged to support a suspended pleated roof. Echoing the structures of tree leaves, the Pavilion embraces the nature of the park in which it emerges. Reminding us of the many lives blossoming beneath our feet, the concave lines of its perimeter are drawn from the forms in the stems and canopies of adjacent trees.While rooted in its place and welcoming the space of the park with its open gallery-like envelope, the Pavilion grows as an adaptable system. It can be disassembled and reassembled, allowing it to live beyond its Serpentine site, while holding the memory of its original ground.”Bettina Korek, Chief Executive, and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Artistic Director, said: “We are thrilled to present Lina Ghotmeh’s first structure in the UK here at Serpentine next summer. Her design for A table draws on natural elements that reflect its surroundings in Kensington Gardens and expands on our mission of creating connections between architecture and society by promoting unity and togetherness in its form and function. We are endlessly grateful to our loyal partners and supporters, for making Ghotmeh’s brilliant concept for a Pavilion built from state-of-the-art sustainable materials into an inspiring reality, for the people of London and for our visitors from around the world to enjoy all summer. As Etel Adnan once told us, The world needs togetherness, not separation. Love, not suspicion. A common future, not isolation.”Placing nature, the organic and sustainability at its core, Ghotmeh’s Pavilion will be designed to minimise its carbon footprint and environmental impact, in line with Serpentine’s sustainability policy. The predominantly timber structure will be light-weight and fully demountable, with a focus on sustainably sourced materials and the reusability of the structure after its time installed at Serpentine.Throughout the Summer, the Serpentine Pavilion 2023 will become a platform for Serpentine’s programme which will feature Park Nights, the interdisciplinary platform for live encounters in music, poetry, spoken words, and dance, running alongside Serpentine’s Education and Civic activations.This year’s Pavilion selection was made by Serpentine Artistic Director Hans Ulrich Obrist, CEO Bettina Korek, Director of Construction and Special Projects Julie Burnell, Director of Curatorial Affairs and Public Practice Yesomi Umolu, and Curator at Large Natalia Grabowska together with advisors Sir David Adjaye OM OBE and David Glover. In 2022, Sir Adjaye was appointed to the Order of Merit, selected by Her Majesty the Queen, in recognition of distinguished service in the armed forces, science, art, literature, or for the promotion of culture.Serpentine would also like to acknowledge the work and dedication of the late architect Richard Rogers to this yearly commission. Rogers was an integral part of the Serpentine Pavilion team and served as an Advisor since 2017.The Pavilion is supported by Goldman Sachs.Follow Serpentine
Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture 公式サイト