0km圏内から集めた、地元の素材でつくられる3Dプリント住宅で構成されています。3Dプリンタの販売から土などの自然素材を活用した3Dプリントシステムを提供するイタリアの3Dプリント企業 WASPによるプロジェクトです。
イタリア最大のテックカンファレンス「 ITALIAN TECH WEEK」にて、WASPは〈Itaca〉を発表した。〈Itaca〉は、スペース・エコノミーの最も革新的なテクノロジーを駆使し、新しいエコで持続可能な住宅モデルを生み出す自給自足の3Dプリントハウスである。
WASPの創設者であるマッシモ・モレッティ(Massimo Moretti)は次のように語る。
〈Itaca〉の主要構造体は、地元の天然素材を使用し、WASPが提供する建築・建設用クレーン3Dプリンタ「Crane WASP」によって出力される。
マッシモ・モレッティ(Massimo Moretti)は次のように続ける。
Itaca: the self-sufficient and eco-sustainable 3D printed house
11 OCTOBER 2022|IN HOUSE, NEWS|BY ALESSANDRO SEVERIA self-sufficient and eco-sustainable 3D printed house
On the occasion of the Italian Tech Week, WASP presented Itaca: a self-sufficient 3D printed house that uses the most innovative technologies of Space Economy to create a new eco-sustainable housing model.
“Getting a place as harsh as the moon to be inhabited is hard to imagine, but science says it can be done. Why don’t we apply the same technologies here on Earth, to get even the most extreme environments to be hospitable?
Massimo Moretti, founder of WASPItaca is an ecosystem that makes use of the technologies necessary to live in space in order to improve the quality of life in areas with scarce water, food and industrial fabric.The project is designed to make a group of 4 people independent, making them able to live without electricity, water and gas connections.
Food, water and energy self-sufficiency in a 33 meters diameter
The project is based on the thesis that, on Earth, a space of 33 meters in diameter is sufficient to make up to 4 people independent.Itaca represents a selection of technical solutions optimized to create a circular micro economy, while maintaining the environmental balance.
Itaca is a collective research and development model
The digitization of collective knowledge and digital manufacturing are the processes that guide the development of the project.Itaca proposes itself as a collective research and development model, where all the solutions implemented are digitized and shared.
A 3D printed house with zero kilometer materials
The main structure of Itaca will be printed by Crane WASP using natural local materials.The project consists in a 3D printed house developed with zero kilometer materials, in which digital manufacturing and knowledge provide us with food, energy and economic independence.
“For us at WASP, Itaca represents a path towards food, water, energy and economic self-sufficiency. A proposal for a solution to the social, energy, climate, and mass migration crisis. For us, 3D printing and digitization are a response to the needs of humanity ”
Massimo Moretti, founder of WASPWASP has already purchased the land for the construction of Itaca
WASP believes in the project, and has already purchased a plot of land near Bologna, where it will build the first Itaca over the next year.Itaca is a training project, an open-source laboratory in which everyone is invited to participate.
「Itaca」WASP 公式サイト