長野県茅野市、標高1,160mに位置する夫婦と子供のための住宅。もともと畑だった敷地は南北に細長く、少し高い南側がメインの接道で東側は隣地が1~2mほど高い。その向こうには八ヶ岳の山々がそびえ、水下にあたる西側は茅野の市街地に向かって雄大な景色が広がっている。建主は植栽家・ランドスケープデザイナー(hondaGREEN / 本田浩氏)で、庭と建物の連続性をテーマにこれまでにさまざまな建築家との協働も行ってきた。鎌倉からのIターンであり、自らの庭をつくれることと、この景色に惹かれて移住を決意した。
ほかにも汎用性の高さとローコストを実現した最初の「ペッタンコハウス」の建築的な特徴を守るために5つの原則を設けた。1. 平面は4間×6間。2. 長手の中央を棟とする切妻屋根。3. 屋根には大きなドーマー。4. 長手の中央2間を2階とする。5. ペッタンコであること。
A large-scale landscape designer’s house in a cold region
“Pettanco House2” is located at an altitude of 1,160 meters in Chino, Nagano, Japan. It is a house for a couple and their child. The site is long from east to west, and there is a magnificent view of mountains to the western side towards Chino city. The client is a landscape designer, and he has done a number of works with architects. He wanted to move from Kamakura to Chino in order to realize his wish of owning and creating his own garden. He was also strongly fascinated by the scenery around Chino, and all of that has motivated him to relocate himself together with his family to this mountainside city.
Our client and we have previously visited our formerly designed house, “Pettanco House”. He liked it very much, and hence we had decided to expand the idea for his new home based on the first “Pettanco House.” For that, we had come along with five rules to keep up with the concept of the first “Pettanco House.” There were some changes to the original concept. The main alterations were: 1. We extended the original length by 2 ken (the Japanese modular system. 1 ken = approximately 1.82m) to the south-north directions. 2. The entrance was placed along the side-gabled side instead of the original front-gabled side. 3. The alignment of the sitting room was swopped opposite that it had given a significant difference in the space inside the house.
Since we already realized that the plan for the first “Pettanco House” could become one of our prototype models from the points of the ‘local production for local consumption,’ timber preparation, high applicability for customization, and its practical cost. Thus, the case for “Pettanco House2” for the new environment (in terms of the altitude, direction, amount of snowfall, light, wind, and inclination of the plot) has become a very interesting case. Also, since “Pettanco House2” was introduced in “ArchDaily” and “Designboom,” we have been receiving contacts from abroad. Therefore, for locations such as in the U.S.A., we are looking forward to adjusting the plan to the inch-foot unit, 2 x 4 construction, off-grid system, and garages for a larger scale while we retain the character of “Pettanco House.” (Yuji Tanabe)
【Pettanco House2】
撮影:Yuji Tanabe
【Pettanco House2】
Location: Chino-shi, Nagano, Japan
Principal use: Residential
Client: Individual
Completion: 2018
Architects: Yuji Tanabe Architects
Design team: Yuji Tanabe, Rie Onodera, Mei Aoki
Structure engineer: LOW FAT structure
Landscape: hondaGREEN
Contractor: Ushiyama-komuten
Photographs: Yuji Tanabe
Construction type: New building
Main structure: Wood
Building scale: 2 stories
Site area: 1217.38m²
Building area: 165.25m²
Total floor area: 130.94m²
Design term: 2016.08-2018.04
Construction term: 2018.05-2018.10