
ASH Mallorca

ASH Mallorca / フランセスク・リフェ・スタジオ


螺旋階段のデザインは、下層階のプランが上層階に対応していないことから生まれた結果である。意図していなかったことであるが、その形状は外部から店内を直感的に伝える卓越した要素となった。これを可能にしたのは濃い色で縁取られたガラス張りのファサードであり、店内を最大限に強調すると同時に光をもたらし、好奇心を起こさせるものとなっている。(フランセスク・リフェ TECTURE MAG抄訳)

An elegant space woven by hardness and softness

The studio sought to evolve the design concept created for the ASH footwear company through an essential and reductionist aesthetic language. This time, a conscious and austere selection of materials defines the shape and configuration of space. The hardness of the concrete gives way to the softness of the fabric and the virtues of the curved lines compete with bold footwear proposals with a great personality.

A light pink textile layer unfolds over the body of the shop and emotionally connects the ground floor with the basement. The lightness of this main element generates constant and spontaneous movements throughout the project, feeling it romantic and lively. It is also an opportunity to provide texture, color, brightness and to trace the new curves of the whole space as limits.

The moderation of the concrete, which covers the rest of the surfaces, seeks to achieve, once again, the maximum with the minimum. Platforms that follow the fabric lines and shelves designed in this same material provide neutral stages for product display. Some interferences in the form of suspended elements, made in a blue sheet metal, give life to the sinuous path of the bases, creating different levels of display. In them, the light source is always hidden to focus all attention on whatever it is lighting.

The drawing of the lower floor does not correspond to the upper floor, so the design of a spiral staircase is the result of the structural logic of the building rather than the aesthetics. Its shape makes of it –without intending to– an outstanding and significant element that can be intuited from the outside. This is possible thanks to a glazed façade framed in a dark color that seeks to highlight the interior to the maximum, bringing light and generating curiosity. (Francesc Rifé)

【ASH Mallorca】

所在地:スペイン パルマ・デ・マヨルカ


【ASH Mallorca】

Principal use: Shop
Location: Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Year: 2020
Design: Francesc Rifé Studio
Dimensions: 95㎡
Technical Lighting: Arkoslight
Construction: Montaggio

Photographs: David Zarzoso

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