建築やインテリアからプロダクトの企画・設計まで手がけるPuddle(代表:加藤匡毅)が、「音と人をつなぐ」新プロジェクト「Puddle Sound」を始動。
その第一弾として、オリジナルの真空管アンプ「#001 TOKYO」が発表された。
このアンプは、東京・渋谷に2020年8月にオープンするホテル〈sequence MIYASHITA PARK〉最上階の客室のために制作されたもの。
6月20日にPuddle オフィスで行われた発表会の模様を、TECTURE MAGは取材。
※〈sequence MIYASHITA PARK〉を含むミクストユース型施設 渋谷〈MIYASHITA PARK〉については、【こちらの記事】で紹介
Puddle (representative: Masaki Kato), which is involved in everything from architecture and interior design to product planning and design, has been working on the following projects “Puddle Sound,” a new project to “connect people with sound,” was launched.
As the first step in this project, the original vacuum tube amplifier “#001 TOKYO” was announced.
This amplifier was created for the guest room on the top floor of the hotel <sequence MIYASHITA PARK>, which opens in Shibuya, Tokyo in August 2020.
The amplifier made with the craftsman’s technique using the primitive material used in construction gives off a unique presence.
TECTURE MAG covered the presentation event held at the Puddle office on June 20.
We asked Mr. Kato about the amplifier’s ability to “create new experiences through sound” and the background and philosophy behind its design.
We captured the unique ideas of Mr. Kato who designs the space.
*For mixed use type facilities including <sequence MIYASHITA PARK> Shibuya <MIYASHITA PARK> is introduced in [this article].
Photograph & movie: toha