Breaking through a sense of impasse
Compared to when I was a student, I feel that design firms are less popular nowadays.
I suppose they think that the construction industry will not be able to grow as fast as it used to in the era of contraction.
In a mature society, rewarding work is a major factor, so I don’t think the industry will survive if we simply raise staff wages and guarantee their survival.
I feel like I’m stuck with the current system. We’re going to have to move to a different system.
There are times when the old modern systems are being dragged down, or professionalism is getting in the way, and it’s costing the client nothing.
It doesn’t matter to the client if you can put a cost on the common sense in the industry.
I am keenly aware of the fact that Japan today is a flabby society with lots of incomprehensible drudgery, lots of useless documents, and a lot of excess.
I don’t think architects can survive if they don’t get rid of the common sense and conventions in the industry and become a different form, or if they don’t build a different membership.
That’s why we created the Fujimidai Tunnel so that not only are there staff in the office, but there are also people in the kitchen and in the customer seats.

なぜコミュニティファーストだとクオリティが落ちてしまい、デザイナーファーストだと 周囲にコミットできないのか。
The designer-first trap
When I designed Sango-san, I wondered how much I would have to commit to working locally in far-flung Nagasaki.
On the other hand, we want to avoid low quality products, which can easily fall into the trap of community-first manufacturing.
It was a trial and error process to find a way to create something that was solidly designed, high quality and interesting.
Why is it that community-first results in lower quality and designer-first results in a lack of commitment to your surroundings?
I think the former is due to the fact that the decision-making power is left to the community, while the latter is due to the fact that others cannot get involved in the design process.
So I did some documentary-like research that looked at other people before I made it, and in the second half of the project, I kept my distance from the locals to design.
I thought architects should become more of a director, mixing the roles of researcher and designer.
It might be more accurate to say that they both have independent skills as well, rather than a mixture of them.
I think that an architect should be an architect.

Have your own job in parallel
That means you can do it more flatly and in parallel. I felt that the architect and the director could be a parallel.
It doesn’t matter if you’re not a director or not, but I think it will be easier to do it from now on if you keep it in a state of “I have both”.
When I opened the ‘Fujimidai Tunnel‘, I brewed my own coffee for a while as a test, but somewhere along the way I couldn’t get rid of the idea that I was an architect.
But if you say, “An architect brews coffee,” it doesn’t really matter to the customer.
As for “I’m an architect who can make coffee,” maybe not.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to offer the escape route of “the architect brewed the coffee, so even a decent tasting coffee has value” or “I have my own day job.”
I think it’s great to have a variety of jobs, but architects have to be extremely strong in architecture, and of course coffee shops have to have good coffee to talk about it.
I think you should be able to play a solid role in both industries.

(#05 に続く)
Get several wallets
What I feel when I sell coffee is that the design fee is very expensive.
It’s very intellectual work, and of course it’s a decent amount of money, but it’s a lot of money compared to everyday items, like coffee and food.
For example, if the contract has expired due to the recent disasteer and the impact of Corona, what will we do for the next six months?
I felt it would be dangerous to be in a position where I didn’t have a lot of discretion just because it was a large amount of money.
I’ve been in that situation a few times myself and I’m wondering if I should have a few wallets.
In addition to design work, I also run a business where I am the client, a monthly subscription-based shared space, and advise and supervise the design of other companies.
That way, I’m conscious of putting in a mix of big and small incomes.
Also, I think I’m going to try YouTube.
The ideas don’t have to be poured out to just one client for a particular project, either.
If there is a spillover of ideas, we should try to monetize them in other ways.
That’s what I usually think about.
(Continued on #05)